Ingrid Schoon

Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens

Available online 22 July 2020. Other co-authors: ANTONUCCI, T. C., DYKSTRA, P. A., HECKHAUSEN, J., KUH, D., MAYER, K. U., MOEN, P., MORTIMER, J. T., MULDER, C. H., SMEEDING, T. M., VAN DER LIPPE, T., HAGESTAD, G. O., KOHLI, Martin, LEVY, R., SCHOON, I., & THOMSON, E. The Covid-19 pandemic is shaking fundamental assumptions about the human life course in societies around the world. In this essay, we draw on our collective expertise to illustrate how a life course perspective can make critical contributions to understanding the pandemic’s effects on individuals, families, and populations. We explore the pandemic’s implications for the organization and experience of life transitions and trajec…

research product

Developmental trajectories of emotional disengagement from schoolwork and their longitudinal associations in England

This study identified the varied ways in which emotional disengagement from schoolwork typically developed between 14 and 16 years of age, in the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England. Using growth mixture modelling we found eight main trajectories of (dis)engagement, with four trajectories of either increasing or stable emotional disengagement with schoolwork (41% of the sample). Using propensity score matching to create groups balanced on a wide range of covariates at Wave 1, we compared disengaged students to their engaged counterparts to identify the longitudinal effects of disengagement-trajectory membership on behavioural engagement, psychological wellbeing, substance use, car…

research product

The Development of Motivation and Amotivation to Study and Work across Age-Graded Transitions in Adolescence and Young Adulthood

People’s motivation to engage in studying and working is an important precursor of participation and attainment. However, little is known about how motivation and the lack of motivation develops normatively across adolescence and young adulthood. Furthermore, there is no comparison of motivation and amotivation development across sequential age-graded transitions such as the mid-schooling transition in adolescence and the school-to-work transition in young adulthood. The current study explored trajectories of motivation and amotivation development in Finland, using piecewise growth curve modelling to analyze five waves of data (age 15–22 years) from a sample of 878 youth (52% male). Indicat…

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