A Stocco
Introducing the BICA Society
The Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society, or the BICA Society, is a recently formed nonprofit organization. The purpose of the Society is to promote and facilitate the transdisciplinary study of biologically inspired cognitive architectures (BICA), in particular, aiming at the emergence of a unifying, generally accepted framework for the design, characterization and implementation of human-level cognitive architectures. The First International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA 2010) is at the same time officially the First Annual Meeting of the BICA Society.
The solidification behavior of a PBT/PET blend over a wide range of cooling rate
In recent years, much attention has been paid to the development of high-performance polyester blends, among which blends of polybutylene terephtha- late/polyethylene terephthalate (PBT/PET) are expected to exhibit remarkable prop- erties as far as their crystallization behavior is concerned. Through trial and error, appropriate commercial compositions have been chosen which could not be otherwise explained by a suitable interpretation of the mechanisms determining their solidifica- tion behavior. The solidification behavior of a 60/40 w/w PBT/PET blend was studied in a wide range of cooling conditions, according to a continuous cooling transforma- tion (CCT) procedure developed previously,…