D Matranga
Defensive strategies in a big obese group [MECCANISMI DI DIFESA IN UN GRUPPO DI PERSONE CON OBESITA']
Aim. The aim of this study was to explore thè defense mechanisms of people with moderate and severe obesity. In fact, thè defensive structure is an effective predictor for thè best management of thè disease. Methods. 204 people (164 F-40 M) bave been recruited: 40 with BMI between 30 and 34.9, with moderate obesity, 36 with BMI between 35 and 39.9, with severe obesity, and 128 with BMI>40, with serious obesity, ali of them pertaining to thè clinic for obesity treatment at University Hospital of Palermo. Ali subjects were administered thè Defense Mechanisms Inventory (DMI), a type of reactive that explores defense mechanisms. The psychiatric comorbidity was excluded by thè DSM (SCIDI and II)…
Il lavoro del sogno nei ciechi.
Analysis of seroprevalence against [i]Coxiella burnetii[/i] in a sample of farm workers in Western Sicily
[b]Introduction and objective. [/b]Little is known about the development of chronic Q fever caused by [i]Coxiella burnetii [/i]in occupational risk groups and in the general population in Italy, as well as in many countries in the world. The aim of this study was to highlight the presence of the infection in a sample of workers operating outdoors (but not directly in contact with animals), in three provinces of western Sicily, in order to detect the human seroprevalence and compare the obtained data with those found in animals raised in the same territory. [b]Materials and methods.[/b] The study included 126 generic seasonal agricultural workers (labourers), 84 male and 42 female; none of w…