Lisa Cavicchi

Effects of Cucumber mosaic virus and Aster yellows phytoplasma (16SrI-B) on the quality of Echinacea purpurea essential oil.

Echinacea purpurea Moench (L.), known as purple coneflower, is one of the most important medicinal plants, used worldwide for its immunostimulant, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory properties, as natural drug and/or food supplement (as infusion). In a previous study carried out in 2002 in Italy to verify possible influence of viral infectious on the plant oil composition, the oil from plants (grown at the Herb Garden of Casola Valsenio, Emilia Romagna region) infected by Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was compared to the one from healthy plant by combined gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses. Significant quantitative variations in their compositions were verified; the infec…

research product

Turnip mosaic virus infecting Eruca sativa in Sicily

In the Spring of 2010, Eruca sativa Mill. (Brassicaceae family), also known as rocket, cultivated in a private garden of Sicily region was found to show a severe virus-like disease consisting of mosaic, interveinal yellowing and/or dark greening areas on crinkled leaves and stunting. Preliminary electron microscopy observations of leaf-dips revealed the presence of flexuous filamentous particles 700-750 nm long. Considering that in 1959, in Italy, this species has been indicated as a natural host of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), symptomatic leaf samples were serological tested to verify the presence of this potyvirus. Both ISEM and PAS-ELISA analyses were positive to TuMV infection. Mechanica…

research product

Stephanotis floribunda infetta da TSWV in Liguria.

Il genere Stephanotis (famiglia delle Asclepiadaceae ) comprende cinque specie di piante rampicanti, sempreverdi, originarie del Madagascar. La più nota ed apprezzata è la specie S. floribunda Brongn., i cui fiori tubulosi, bianchi, leggermente carnosi, riuniti in ombrelle ascellari, sbocciano da maggio ad ottobre emanando un intenso e gradevole profumo. Questi fiori ricordano molto quelli del gelsomino, pur essendo più grandi e cerosi, ma questa somiglianza è bastata ad attribuire alla pianta l’appellativo “gelsomino del Madagascar”. S. floribunda costituisce una coltura di recente introduzione nella Piana di Albenga (Savona): la sua coltivazione è per ora limitata a poche aziende che prod…

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