France Mourey
[Geriatric investigation in front of a balance disorders in the older elderly].
International audience
Use of a Virtual Environment to Engage Motor and Postural Abilities in Elderly Subjects With and Without Mild Cognitive Impairment (MAAMI Project)
Objectives: In the context of rehabilitation, the use of new technology such as Virtual Reality Technology (VRT) offers multiple possibilities to modulate the functional stimulation of subjects according to needs. Material and methods: In this study, the validity and reliability of our VRT system were investigated in fifteen healthy aged adults (HAA) and seven aged subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). One implicit session was designed through two virtual environments (VEs) in order to induce the adapted activities associated with balance and postural control. In comparison, the same activities were achieved in explicit sessions with a physiotherapist. This cross-over study made us…
Practice-Related Improvements in Postural Control During Rapid Arm Movement in Older Adults: A Preliminary Study
International audience; Background. Postural control associated with self-paced movement is critical for balance in older adults. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of a virtual reality based program on the postural control associated with rapid arm movement in this population. Methods. From an upright standing position, participants performed rapid arm raising movements toward a target. Practice-related changes were assessed by pre- and posttest comparisons of hand kinematics and center of pressure displacement parameters measured in a training group (mean age: 71.50 +/- 2.67 years, n = 8) and a control group (mean age: 72.87 +/- 3.09 years, n = 8). Training group participa…
Analyse cinématique des caractéristiques de planifications motrices chez les personnes âgées fragiles
International audience
Changements de stratégie temporelle durant des tâches motrices complexes chez des sujets âgés sains
International audience; Cette étude a permis d’analyser des points temporels clefs de la réalisation de mouvements impliquant l’ensemble du corps (Whole Body Reaching movements - WBR). Lors de ce mouvement, le sujet déplace son Centre de Masse (CdM) vers l’avant pour l’atteindre une cible. Ceci implique une inclinaison du tronc créant des modifications posturales et un risque de chute. Ces différentes considérations nous ont poussées à étudier une population de sujets âgés (SA) en comparaison à des sujets jeunes (SJ). Nous avons analysé des points stratégiques au cours de la tâche, dont deux plus particulièrement. La décomposition axiale de la vitesse du CdM en deux composantes (Verticale-V…