Precise reply and clarifications on behalf of Sicilian Public Health Authorities to the case report published by La Rosa and collegues
The intussusception is one of the most frequent causes of occlusive syndrome in infants and in children.1 The mesenteric lymphadenopathy, wich is very rare post rotavirus vaccination, can cause intussusception,2-5 especially in genetically predisposed individuals.6 There is an association between intussusception and some classes of genotype.7-9 Two infants aged 3 months, vaccinated against rotavirus. After about a week, one of the 2 identical infants presented inconsolable crying, vomiting, loose stools mixed with blood, and was diagnosed with bowel obstruction with intussusception. He was operated in urgency. After a few hours, his brother presented vomiting, and was admitted to our Hospit…