D. Bazin

Search for forbidden?-decays of the drip line nucleus12Be

Beta-coincidentγ-rays have been measured from implanted pure samples of12Be separated at the LISE3 spectrometer at GANIL. An intensity of 0.040(26) % can be estimated for the branching ratio of the isospin forbidden pure-Fermi transition to the 0+ excited state of12B and of 0.008(6)% of the transition to the 1−1 excited state. Both are taken to represent upper limits. The half-life has been re-measured to be 26.1(2.4) ms.

research product

New developments on the recoil distance doppler-shift method

Absolute transition probabilities are fundamental observables for nuclear structure. The recoil-distance-Doppler-shift (RDDS) technique, also called plunger technique, is a well established tool for the determination of these important experimental quantities via the measurement of lifetimes of excited nuclear states. Nowadays nuclear structure investigations are concentrated on exotic nuclei which are often produced with extremely small cross sections or with very low beam intensities. In order to use the RDDS technique also for the investigation of very exotic nuclei this method has to be adapted to the specific needs of these special reactions. This article gives an overview on recent RD…

research product

Measurement of key resonance states for the P30(p,γ)S31 reaction rate, and the production of intermediate-mass elements in nova explosions

We report the first experimental constraints on spectroscopic factors and strengths of key resonances in the P30(p,γ)S31 reaction critical for determining the production of intermediate-mass elements up to Ca in nova ejecta. The P30(d,n)S31 reaction was studied in inverse kinematics using the GRETINA γ -ray array to measure the angle-integrated cross-sections of states above the proton threshold. In general, negative-parity states are found to be most strongly produced but the absolute values of spectroscopic factors are typically an order of magnitude lower than predicted by the shell-model calculations employing WBP Hamiltonian for the negative-parity states. The results clearly indicat…

research product

Single-particle shell strengths near the doubly magic nucleus Ni and the Ni( , ) Cu reaction rate in explosive astrophysical burning

Angle-integrated cross-section measurements of the $^{56}$Ni(d,n) and (d,p) stripping reactions have been performed to determine the single-particle strengths of low-lying excited states in the mirror nuclei pair $^{57}$Cu−$^{57}$Ni situated adjacent to the doubly magic nucleus $^{56}$Ni. The reactions were studied in inverse kinematics utilizing a beam of radioactive $^{56}$Ni ions in conjunction with the GRETINA γ-array. Spectroscopic factors are compared with new shell-model calculations using a full pf model space with the GPFX1A Hamiltonian for the isospin-conserving strong interaction plus Coulomb and charge-dependent Hamiltonians. These results were used to set new constraints on the…

research product

Total cross sections of reactions induced by neutron-rich light nuclei

Total nuclear reaction cross-sections are determined by means of a 4π-γ method. The results cover a wide span of targets for various stable beams. The validity of the method is shown in a combined systematics including also the results of transmission-type experiments. The data are very well described by the formula developed by Kox et al. The same method is applied to secondary fragment beams produced from a 44 MeV/u22Ne beam on a 332mg/cm2 181Ta target. Using the LISE spectrometer the fragments4, 6He,6–9, 11Li,7, 9–12, 14Be,10–15, 17B11–19C,13–19N,15–21O,18– 21F and20,21 Ne are analyzed and transported to interact with a 199.4 mg/cm2 Cu target surrounded by a 4π-γ counter. The measured to…

research product

Gamow-Teller Unit Cross Sections for (t,3He) and (3He,t) Reactions

The proportionality between differential cross sections at vanishing linear momentum transfer and Gamow-Teller transition strength, expressed in terms of the \textit{unit cross section} ($\hat{\sigma}_{GT}$) was studied as a function of target mass number for ($t$,$^{3}$He) and ($^{3}$He,$t$) reactions at 115 $A$MeV and 140 $A$MeV, respectively. Existing ($^{3}$He,$t$) and ($t$,$^{3}$He) data on targets with mass number $12\leq A\leq 120$ were complemented with new and reevaluated ($t$,$^{3}$He) data on proton, deuteron, $^{6}$Li and $^{12}$C targets. It was found that in spite of the small difference in beam energies between the two probes, the unit cross sections have a nearly identical a…

research product

The (150)Nd((3)He,t) and (150)Sm(t,(3)He) reactions with applications to beta beta decay of (150)Nd

The Nd-150(3He,t) reaction at 140 MeV/u and Sm-150(t,He-3) reaction at 115 MeV/u were measured, populating excited states in Pm-150. The transitions studied populate intermediate states of importance for the (neutrinoless) beta beta decay of Nd-150 to Sm-150. Monopole and dipole contributions to the measured excitation-energy spectra were extracted by using multipole decomposition analyses. The experimental results were compared with theoretical calculations obtained within the framework of the quasiparticle random-phase approximation, which is one of the main methods employed for estimating the half-life of the neutrinoless beta beta decay (0 nu beta beta) of Nd-150. The present results th…

research product

Gamow-Teller unit cross sections for (t,He3) and (He3,t) reactions

The proportionality between differential cross sections at vanishing linear momentum transfer and Gamow-Teller transition strength, expressed in terms of the unit cross section (${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\sigma}\ifmmode \hat{}\else \^{}\fi{}}}_{\mathit{GT}}$), was studied as a function of target mass number for ($t$,$^{3}\mathrm{He}$) and ($^{3}\mathrm{He}$,$t$) reactions at $115A$ MeV and $140A$ MeV, respectively. Existing ($^{3}\mathrm{He}$,$t$) and ($t$,$^{3}\mathrm{He}$) data on targets with mass number $12\ensuremath{\leqslant}A\ensuremath{\leqslant}120$ were complemented with new and reevaluated ($t$,$^{3}\mathrm{He}$) data on proton, deuteron, $^{6}\mathrm{Li}$, and $^{12}\mathrm{C}$ tar…

research product

New experimental efforts along the rp-process path

The level structure just above the proton threshold of the nucleus 30S has been studied using the neutron removal process on fast radioactive beams at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University. In this work we provide a description of the experimental setup. The present status of the analysis is also discussed.

research product

Evolution of collectivity in the78Ni region: Coulomb excitation of74Ni at intermediate energies.

The study of the collective properties of nuclear excitations far from stability provides information about the shell structure at extreme conditions. Spectroscopic ob- servables such as the energy or the transition probabilities of the lowest states, in nuclei with large neutron excess, allow to probe the density and isospin dependence of the ef- fective interaction. Indeed, it was recently shown that tensor and three-body forces play an important role in breaking and creating magic numbers. Emblematic is the case of the evolution of the Ni isotopic chain where several features showed up moving from the most neutron rich stable isotope ( 64 Ni) towards the 78 Ni nucleus where the large neu…

research product

TheNd150(He3,t) andSm150(t,He3) reactions with applications toββdecay ofNd150

The {sup 150}Nd({sup 3}He,t) reaction at 140 MeV/u and {sup 150}Sm(t,{sup 3}He) reaction at 115 MeV/u were measured, populating excited states in {sup 150}Pm. The transitions studied populate intermediate states of importance for the (neutrinoless) {beta}{beta} decay of {sup 150}Nd to {sup 150}Sm. Monopole and dipole contributions to the measured excitation-energy spectra were extracted by using multipole decomposition analyses. The experimental results were compared with theoretical calculations obtained within the framework of the quasiparticle random-phase approximation, which is one of the main methods employed for estimating the half-life of the neutrinoless {beta}{beta} decay (0{nu}{b…

research product

Decay properties of exoticN≃28 S and Cl nuclei and theCa48/46Ca abundance ratio

Beta-decay half-lives and \ensuremath{\beta}-delayed neutron-emission probabilities of the very neutron-rich nuclei $^{44}\mathrm{S}$ and $^{45--47}\mathrm{Cl}$ have been measured. These isotopes, which lie at or close to the N=28 magic shell, were produced in interactions of a 60 MeV/u $^{48}\mathrm{Ca}$ beam from GANIL (Grand Acc\'el\'erateur National d'Ions Lourds) with a $^{64}\mathrm{Ni}$ target, and were separated by the doubly achromatic spectrometer LISE (Ligne d'Ions Super Epluch\'es). Their decay was studied by a \ensuremath{\beta}-n time correlation measurement. The results are compared to recent model predictions and indicate a rapid weakening of the N=28 shell effect below $_{2…

research product

Projectile coulomb excitation with fast radioactive beams

We report a search for gamma rays emanating from Coulomb excitation of fast (30-46 MeV/u) radioactive projectiles He-8, Be-11,Be-12,Be-14 interacting with a lead target. These are clearly identified by their Doppler shift. The 320 keV 1/2(-) --> 1/2(+)gamma transition from Be-11 was observed with a cross-section of 191 +/- 26 mb which is noticeably less than expected from the known lifetime and in the perturbation limit of pure Coulomb excitation. In the other nuclei rather stringent upper limits of 0.01 to 0.2 Weisskopf units, are placed on the hypothetical transition to 1(-) states.

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Improving the nuclear physics input along the rp-process path

The level structure of 30 S was studied at the NSCL by using neutron removal reactions with a radioactive 31 S beam. The γ -decay from excited states in 30 S was measured in a Ge-detector array. The results discussed for this work will reduce the uncertainties in the determination of the astrophysical 29 P(p, γ ) 30 S reaction rate under rp -process conditions.

research product

Spectroscopy of 13B via the 13C(t,3He) reaction at 115 AMeV

Gamow-Teller and dipole transitions to final states in 13B were studied via the 13C(t,3He) reaction at Et = 115 AMeV. Besides the strong Gamow-Teller transition to the 13B ground state, a weaker Gamow-Teller transition to a state at 3.6 MeV was found. This state was assigned a spin-parity of 3/2- by comparison with shell-model calculations using the WBP and WBT interactions which were modified to allow for mixing between nhw and (n+2)hw configurations. This assignment agrees with a recent result from a lifetime measurement of excited states in 13B. The shell-model calculations also explained the relatively large spectroscopic strength measured for a low-lying 1/2+ state at 4.83 MeV in 13B. …

research product

Nucleosynthesis of proton-rich nuclei. Experimental results on the rp-process

Experience NSCL; International audience; We report in this study the nuclear properties of proton-rich isotopes located along the rp-process path. The experiments have recently been performed at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University. The level properties above the proton separation energy of the nuclei 30S, 36K and 37Ca were measured with precision of < 10 keV. This will allow a reduction in the determination of the astrophysical (p, ) reaction rate under rp-process conditions.

research product

Spectroscopy ofB13via theC13(t,He3)reaction at115AMeV

Gamow-Teller and dipole transitions to final states in $^{13}\mathrm{B}$ were studied via the $^{13}\mathrm{C}(t,^{3}\mathrm{He})$ reaction at ${E}_{t}=115A$ MeV. In addition to the strong Gamow-Teller transition to the $^{13}\mathrm{B}$ ground state, a weaker Gamow-Teller transition to a state at 3.6 MeV was found. This state was assigned a spin-parity of $3/{2}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ by comparison with shell-model calculations using the WBP and WBT interactions which were modified to allow for mixing between $n\ensuremath{\hbar}\ensuremath{\omega}$ and $(n+2)\ensuremath{\hbar}\ensuremath{\omega}$ configurations. This assignment agrees with a recent result from a lifetime measurement of excited…

research product

Beta-decay studies of far from stability nuclei near N = 28

Abstract Beta-decay half-lives and β-delayed neutron-emission probabilities of the very neutron-rich nuclei 43 P, 42,44,45 S and 44–46 Cl, 47 Ar, which lie at or close to the N=28 magic shell, have been recently measured through β or β-n time correlation measurement. The results are compared to recent model predictions and indicate a rapid weakening of the N=28 shell effect below 48 Ca. The nuclear structure effects reflected in the decay properties of the exotic S and Cl isotopes may be the clue for the astrophysical understanding of the unusual 48 Ca 46 Ca abundance ratio measured in the solar system.

research product

Single-particle shell strengths near the doubly magic nucleus 56Ni and the 56Ni(p,γ)57Cu reaction rate in explosive astrophysical burning

Angle-integrated cross-section measurements of the $^{56}$Ni(d,n) and (d,p) stripping reactions have been performed to determine the single-particle strengths of low-lying excited states in the mirror nuclei pair $^{57}$Cu-$^{57}$Ni situated adjacent to the doubly magic nucleus $^{56}$Ni. The reactions were studied in inverse kinematics utilizing a beam of radioactive $^{56}$Ni ions in conjunction with the GRETINA $\gamma$-array. Spectroscopic factors are compared with new shell-model calculations using a full $pf$ model space with the GPFX1A Hamiltonian for the isospin-conserving strong interaction plus Coulomb and charge-dependent Hamiltonians. These results were used to set new constrain…

research product

The $^{150}$Nd($^3$He,$t$) and $^{150}$Sm($t$,$^3$He) reactions with applications to $\beta\beta$ decay of $^{150}$Nd

The $^{150}$Nd($^3$He,$t$) reaction at 140 MeV/u and $^{150}$Sm($t$,$^3$He) reaction at 115 MeV/u were measured, populating excited states in $^{150}$Pm. The transitions studied populate intermediate states of importance for the (neutrinoless) $\beta\beta$ decay of $^{150}$Nd to $^{150}$Sm. Monopole and dipole contributions to the measured excitation-energy spectra were extracted by using multipole decomposition analyses. The experimental results were compared with theoretical calculations obtained within the framework of Quasiparticle Random-Phase Approximation (QRPA), which is one of the main methods employed for estimating the half-life of the neutrinoless $\beta\beta$ decay ($0\nu\beta\…

research product

Determining therp-Process Flow throughNi56: Resonances inCu57(p,γ)Zn58Identified with GRETINA

An approach is presented to experimentally constrain previously unreachable (p, γ) reaction rates on nuclei far from stability in the astrophysical rp process. Energies of all critical resonances in the (57)Cu(p,γ)(58)Zn reaction are deduced by populating states in (58)Zn with a (d, n) reaction in inverse kinematics at 75 MeV/u, and detecting γ-ray-recoil coincidences with the state-of-the-art γ-ray tracking array GRETINA and the S800 spectrograph at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. The results reduce the uncertainty in the (57)Cu(p,γ) reaction rate by several orders of magnitude. The effective lifetime of (56)Ni, an important waiting point in the rp process in x-ray burst…

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