Andrés A. Agudelo-suárez
Sociodemographic Characteristics related to Sickness Presenteeism of Migrants Workers in Spain.
Immigration, work and health in Spain: the influence of legal status and employment contract on reported health indicators
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship of legal status and employment conditions with health indicators in foreign-born and Spanish-born workers in Spain. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 1,849 foreign-born and 509 Spanish-born workers (2008-2009, ITSAL Project). Considered employment conditions: permanent, temporary and no contract (foreign-born and Spanish-born); considered legal statuses: documented and undocumented (foreign-born). Joint relationships with self-rated health (SRH) and mental health (MH) were analyzed via logistical regression. RESULTS: When compared with male permanently contracted Spanish-born workers, worse health is seen in undocumented foreign-born, time in Spain ≤3 …
A qualitative exploration of the impact of the economic recession in Spain on working, living and health conditions: reflections based on immigrant workers' experiences
Background: This study aimed to analyse how immigrant workers in Spain experienced changes in their working and employment conditions brought about Spain's economic recession and the impact of these changes on their living conditions and health status. Method: We conducted a grounded theory study. Data were obtained through six focus group discussions with immigrant workers (n = 44) from Colombia, Ecuador and Morocco, and two individual interviews with key informants from Romania living in Spain, selected by theoretical sample. Results: Three categories related to the crisis emerged – previous labour experiences, employment consequences and individual consequences – that show how immigrant …
La precariedad laboral en inmigrantes en situación irregular en España y su relación con la salud
ResumenObjetivoDescribir las características de la precariedad laboral en inmigrantes irregulares en España y su relación con la salud.MétodosEstudio cualitativo que utiliza los principios de la inducción analítica. Se definió una submuestra del proyecto ITSAL, cuya muestra teórica se identificó a partir de la definición de inmigrante en España y de la literatura. Las áreas de estudio fueron 4 ciudades de España. La muestra final fue de 44 trabajadores inmigrantes irregulares, de 4 nacionalidades.ResultadosAlgunas características de la precariedad laboral percibidas por los inmigrantes irregulares fueron: elevada inestabilidad laboral; ausencia total de empoderamiento en tanto no cuentan co…
The effect of perceived discrimination on the health of immigrant workers in Spain
Background: Discrimination is an important determinant of health inequalities, and immigrants may be more vulnerable to certain types of discrimination than the native-born. This study analyses the relationship between immigrants' perceived discrimination and various self-reported health indicators. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted (2008) amongst a non-random sample of 2434 immigrants from Ecuador, Morocco, Romania and Colombia in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia. A factorial analysis of variables revealed three dimensions of perceived discrimination (due to immigrant status, due to physical appearance, and workplace-related). The association of the…
Sickness presenteeism in Spanish-born and immigrant workers in Spain
Abstract Background Previous studies have shown that immigrant workers face relatively worse working and employment conditions, as well as lower rates of sickness absence than native-born workers. This study aims to assess rates of sickness presenteeism in a sample of Spanish-born and foreign-born workers according to different characteristics. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst a convenience sample of workers (Spanish-born and foreign-born), living in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia (2008-2009). Sickness presenteeism information was collected through two items in the questionnaire ("Have you had health problems in the last year?" and "Have yo…
Condiciones de trabajo y salud de los trabajadores inmigrantes en España: revisión bibliográfica
Fundamentos: La relación entre inmigración, trabajo y salud constituye uno de los retos más importantes en salud laboral y más concretamente en España por el importante incremento de proporción inmigrante acontecido en el mercado laboral. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la relación entre las condiciones de trabajo y sus efectos en la salud de trabajadores inmigrantes en España. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos originales en español e inglés Medline y Medes (1998-2012). Se revisaron los textos completos de los artículos incluidos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 20 estudios, 13 con metodología de investigación cuantitativa y 7 cualitativa. Los temas tratados ab…
Discrimination, work and health in immigrant populations in Spain
One of the most important social phenomena in the global context is the flow of immigration from developing countries, motivated by economic and employment related issues. Discrimination can be approached as a health risk factor within the immigrant population's working environment, especially for those immigrants at greater risk from social exclusion and marginalisation. The aim of this study is to research perceptions of discrimination and the specific relationship between discrimination in the workplace and health among Spain's immigrant population. A qualitative study was performed by means of 84 interviews and 12 focus groups held with immigrant workers in five cities in Spain receivin…
Impact of mandatory social isolation measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the subjective well-being of Latin American and Caribbean dentists
Background With the spread of the COVID-19 virus, containment measures such as home confinement were implemented, generating stress, anxiety, depression and aggravation of pre-existing diseases in the population, including dentists, who have also been affected due to the risk involved in practicing their profession. Objective: To determine the impact of mandatory social isolation measures on the subjective well-being of Latin American and Caribbean dentists during the community quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Material and Methods A Cross-sectional study in a sample of 1195 dentists from 21 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The main outcome was Subjective Well-Be…
Proceso migratorio, condiciones laborales y salud en trabajadores inmigrantes en España (proyecto ITSAL)
Objetivo: Describir el proceso migratorio (razones para emigrar, tiempo de residencia), la situación legal y las características personales, laborales y de salud de los inmigrantes con experiencia de trabajo en España. Métodos: Estudio transversal sobre una muestra estratificada por país de origen (Colombia, Ecuador, Marruecos y Rumanía), situación legal y sexo. Entrevista a 2434 trabajadores (57,4% varones). Se analiza la información sobre el proceso migratorio, las condiciones laborales, la situación de salud y las expectativas de vida y trabajo. Comparación de frecuencias por país de origen. Resultados: El 90% eran <45 años, principalmente con formación secundaria (51%). La mayoría emigr…
Ventilation and air-conditioning systems in dental clinics and COVID-19: How much do we know?
Background: This study evaluated the association between knowledge and management of ventilation and air-conditioning systems (VAC) to avoid the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in health facilities by dentists and demographic variables. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional digital media survey was administered to dentists as part of global research. The core questionnaire was used including four additional questions on VAC (Q1: knowledge, Q2: work settings, Q3: temperature, and Q4: maintenance). A descriptive analysis was conducted for sociodemographic and VAC variables, and bivariate analysis was carried out using different tests. Results: 5370 dentists answered the survey (median age of…