Assessment of the efficacy of Artemia sp (Crustacea) cysts chorion as barrier to chlorpyrifos (organophosphorus pesticide) exposure. Effect on hatching and survival
In order to reveal the efficacy of the Artemia cysts chorion as barrier to the organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos, whole and decapsulated cysts have been exposed to 10 mg L(-1) chlorpyrifos in sea water during hydration and hatching phase, separately. The concentration of chlorpyrifos in capsulated and decapsulated cysts after exposure has been determined in order to elucidate the efficacy of chorion as protection to the embryo. The results obtained demonstrate the ability of the cysts chorion to obstruct the pass of chlorpyrifos molecules through this protection structure. Thus, the concentration of chlorpyrifos in exposed decapsulated cysts is higher than in exposed whole cysts. More…