Nilla Manzullo
Decision making in a presumptive case of STEMI-like myocarditis
In youngmales, differential diagnosis during chest pain is not always easy. When ECG findings suggest a cardiac origin of such symptoms, myo-pericarditis is usually themost likely hypothesis, beingmore common than Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) in the first decades of life [1]. In the presence of ST segment elevation, Troponin release and ventricular wall motion abnormalities, the diagnosis can be challenging, though. In the young a lowcoronary risk profile and atypical symptoms seldom support a working diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), and, therefore, urgent coronary angiography is not recommended routinely, although cases of early ACS are not so rare. In October 2014 a 26-year-ol…
Impatto dell'insufficienza mitralica funzionale sulla prognosi dei pazienti affetti da cardiopatia ischemica
Correction of cardiovascular risks factor after an acute coronary syndrome: impact of pharmacological therapies on a two-years follow-up
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