Sylvain Pierron
Membres du comité d’organisation scientifique et logistique
National audience
Membres du comité d’organisation scientifique et logistique
SPEEAGESTADAGROSUP; Membres du comité d’organisation scientifique et logistique. 23. Conférence du COLUMA - Journées Internationales sur la Lutte contre les Mauvaises Herbes
An “omic” approach towards molecular diagnosis of resistance to auxinic herbicides in Corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
National audience; Papaver rhoeas (corn poppy) is a major, troublesome weed in winter crops. In conventionalagriculture, poppy control is essentially achieved through herbicide application. Followingintensive use of these substances, resistance has evolved in many poppy populations across itsrange in Europe. Among the herbicide modes of action concerned by resistance are auxinmimeticherbicides (HRAC group 4/O). Resistance to this mode of action has little beeninvestigated, and its determinants remain largely unknown. Literature data suggests that, whiletarget-site-based resistance exist, non-target-site-based resistance mechanisms may bepredominant. Target-site-based resistance to auxinic h…