M. F. Ferrotto
Assessment of the load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete columns strengthened by steel cages Specificità nella valutazione della capacità portante di colonne in calcestruzzo armato rinforzate con incamiciatura in acciaio
In the present paper, a selected review of the most relevant analytical models provided for the evaluation of the con-finement properties of Steel Jacketed RC columns is discussed. The reliability of the models is tested by comparing the analytical predictions of the load capacity with experimental results available in the literature depending on the type of mechanical end-connections. Moreover, new considerations regarding the application of the steel jacketing on columns while loaded are faced by experimental investigation
Steel jacketing of RC columns: Reliability of capacity laws for concrete
In the seismic assessment of framed R.C. structures reinforced by steel angles and battens (steel jacketing) the use of proper confinement models for concrete is still a main topic. Really, the capacity of reinforced concrete columns under concentric and eccentric loads strongly depends on confinement exerted by the external reinforcement. Further a proper attribution of concrete stress-strain laws allows obtaining reliable estimations of inelastic capacity of reinforced elements. Moreover the presence (or not) of connections of the angles with the end joints influences their capacity to support vertical loads. In the two cases the mechanical models have to account for buckling or frictiona…
Strengthening of existing concrete columns with Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) results generally in a satisfactory structural member improvement in terms of load and strain capacity. A reliable prediction of the capacity obtained by these reinforcement strategies requests a proper knowledge of the load-strain response of the confined concrete elements. However, so far, the available design methods and technical codes do not consider the effect of the possible presence of service loads at the moment of application of the reinforcement, and therefore, the compressive behavior of the concrete confined under preload is still unclear. In this paper, the effect of sustained loads on the compress…