D. Eckert
Multizentrische Analyse zur Differenzierung der N-Kategorie beim Kolonkarzinom
Hintergrund: In den Leitlinien fur das Kolonkarzinom wird fur Patienten im UICC-Sta-dium III (pN1 oder pN2, Mo) eine adjuvante Chemotherapie empfohlen.
The universal thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium over two decades in radius in the X-COP sample
The hot plasma in galaxy clusters is expected to be heated to high temperatures through shocks and adiabatic compression. The thermodynamical properties of the gas encode information on the processes leading to the thermalization of the gas in the cluster's potential well as well as non-gravitational processes such as gas cooling, AGN feedback and kinetic energy. In this work we present the radial profiles of the thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium (ICM) out to the virial radius for a sample of 12 galaxy clusters selected from the Planck all-sky survey. We determine the universal profiles of gas density, temperature, pressure, and entropy over more than two decades in radius…