Contribution of thallium-201-SPECT to the grading of tumorous alterations of the brain
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with thallium-201-chloride (201Tl) was used in 22 patients to assess the grade of malignancy of brain tumors. Low- and high-grade malignant gliomas could be well differentiated by calculating the Grade Index (GI), i.e., 201Tl uptake in the tumor area relative to a contralateral brain region. Low-grade gliomas (WHO-grade I-II) usually showed a GI of1.5. Tumors classified histologically as high-grade malignant (WHO-grade III-IV) had GI values greater than 1.42 and a mean value of 1.89. Until labelled amino-acid tracers for gamma-cameras become commercially available, thallium-201 brain-SPECT can provide an independent and complementary method…