Tahereh Ziaian
Psychosocial Safety Climate and PSC Ideal; Direct and Interaction Effects on JD-R for Mental Health, Job Satisfaction and Work Engagement (Iran)
In this chapter the PSC model is investigated from composition and dispersion perspectives. PSC refers to the shared perception of managerial activities to support employees’ psychological health and safety. Theoretically, PSC extends the Job Demand-Resources (JD-R) theory. Consistent with composition and dispersion theories, both PSC compositions (average levels) and PSC dispersion (standard deviation (SD)) are investigated. PSC Ideal \( \left( {\frac{PSC\;Level}{PSC\, SD}} \right) \) is a new concept being introduced for the first time here, and includes both mean and dispersion roles. We expected that PSC at the team level determined job design (JD-Rs; psychological and emotional demands…
How shall we all live together?: Meta‐analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies project
Living together in culturally plural societies poses numerous challenges for members of ethnocultural groups and for the larger society. An important goal of these societies is to achieve positive intercultural relations among all their peoples. Successful management of these relations depends on many factors including a research-based understanding of the historical, political, economic, religious and psychological features of the groups that are in contact. The core question is ‘how we shall we all live together?’ In the project reported in this paper (Mutual Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies; MIRIPS), we seek to provide such research by reviewing three core psychological hypoth…