The use of computer-assisted video image analysis for the quantification of CD8+ T lymphocytes producing tumor necrosis factor alpha spots in response to peptide antigens.
Enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) analysis is a sensitive technique for the detection and quantification of single T lymphocytes forming cytokine spots after antigen contact in vitro. Herein computer-assisted video image analysis (CVIA) was applied to automatically determine the number and size of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) spots formed by single blood-derived CD8+ T cells after contact with peptide-loaded target cells. With CVIA and TNF-alpha ELISPOT analysis we quantified CD8+ T cells responsive to HLA-A2.1-binding tyrosinase and influenza matrix peptides in healthy donors. We followed the course of the virus-specific T cell response in two HLA-A2-positive patients with reac…