Lashand Sivathasan Nadarajah
Gevinstrealisering gjennom anvendelse av leverandørekspertise : En studie av Best Value Approach i ett norsk samferdselsprosjekt
Masteroppgave industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse IND590 - Universitetet i Agder 2019 In the search for improved contract and project management in construction, the Best Value Approach (BVA) is a concept that has been introduced with a proven track record for better performance. The BV-philosophy stresses the importance of proper utilization of vendor expertise by putting aside management, direction and control by assumed non-expert clients. Through the process of Best Value Procurement (BVP), the assumed expert is identified and should be rewarded with supreme responsibility of the projectwith minimal involvement of the assumed non-expert client. The role of experts is therefore a suc…
Realization of Benefits from Best Value Approach by Proper Utilization of Expertise in Infrastructure Projects
In the search for improved contract and project management in construction, the Best Value Approach (BVA) is a concept that has been introduced with a proven track record for better performance. The BV-philosophy stresses the importance of proper utilization of vendor expertise, as well as reducing management, direction and control by assumed non-expert clients. The development of BVA has mainly taken place through lessons learned from a number of projects, and existing research is mostly concerned with practicalities and “how” to apply it. However, research is scarce on what characterizes an expert in a BV-context, and the concept lacks scientific documentation regarding underlying premise…