Jeff Tuker
Implementing a cyber-physical system to monitor soil water status and environmental variables for irrigation scheduling
The most advanced research on irrigation at farm scale, following the paradigm “more crop per drop”, has been aimed at the definition of strategies of precision irrigation, in order to optimize crop water productivity and to maximize the economic benefits without affecting environmental quality.Water saving management strategies, such as regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), can be effectively applied if supported by the real time control of soil/plant water status allowing the identification of appropriate irrigation scheduling parameters (irrigation timing and doses). This challenge can be achieved by integrating sensing technologies, internet of things and cloud computing supported with co…
Subsurface Drip Irrigation and ICT for the Innovative Irrigation Water Management: Application to a Citrus Crop (C. reticulata cv. Tardivo di Ciaculli)
Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is considered one of the most efficient irrigation systems because it allows the optimization of crop water productivity maximizing, at the same time, farmers’ economic benefit. However, to take full advantage of SDI systems it is necessary to prevent emitter obstructions caused by root intrusion, as well as to apply water-saving strategies, such as regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). Regarding the first aspect, manufacturers are claiming different techniques to protect emitters from root intrusion, such as mechanical barriers, addition with different chemical compounds into the emitter itself or chemicals into irrigation water. On the other hand, the applic…