Marcello Cutuli

Le cultivar siciliane di ciliegio dolce: aspetti fenologici, morfologici e genetico-molecolari

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Determination of intra-cultivar variation among sicilian olive germplasm by using microsatellite markers

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Comportamento agronomico del ciliegio Lapins su portinnesti di diversa origine genetica

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La pesca tabacchiera in Sicilia: opportunità da valorizzare.

Una recente indagine condotta nel territorio etneo dal Dipartimento Demetra dell'Università di Palermo, ha condotto all'individuazione di 7 diverse pesche piatte, raccolte e valutate presso un campo catalogo. Le pesche tabacchiere sono caratterizzate dal sapore dolce e da un profumo ed aroma inconfondibili. L'ampio calendario di maturazione, accentuato dalla conformazione del territorio, gli eccellenti caratteri organolettici e l'elevata richiesta da parte del consumatore, sono i presupposti per creare valide operazioni commerciali.

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Valutazione della suscettibilità del germoplasma siciliano di pesco al Plum Pox Virus (Sharka).

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Indagini sull'attitudine alla conservazione di frutti del germoplasma di pesco siciliano: prime osservazioni su montagnole, percoche, sbergie e tabacchiere.

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New selections of Prunus persica for low chill Mediterranean climate areas

In the late 1990s, CREA and the University of Palermo initiated a peach-breeding program in order to select new genotypes suitable for the fruit growing areas of southern Italy. These regions are generally characterized by short, mild winters and long, hot, dry summers. International cultivars grown in continental environments often have problems related to climatic limitations, such as the failure to satisfy the winter chill requirements. About 40 different peach and nectarine cultivars with different fruit characteristics (size, skin over colour, flesh firmness, sugar content, titratable acidity, absence of split-pit) were used as parents in a breeding program by CREA. The best selections…

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Innovare il vivaismo olivicolo con nuovi processi e prodotti.

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Interventi agronomici per migliorare la frutticoltura etnea.

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Growth and physiological responses of young olive trees affected by Olive leaf yellowing associated virus

We studied the effect of Olive leaf yellowing associated virus (OLYaV) on biometric and physiological changes in olive. The trial was carried out on 32 two-yearold virus-free trees of 'Frantoio' grafted on virus-free olive seedlings and grown in 32-L pots. Half of the trees were inoculated with OLYaV in the fall of 2007. At 6, 18, and 24 months after inoculation, tree height, basal trunk diameter and total leaf number were determined, and leaf area tree-1 was estimated from a 50-leaf subsample. Twigs of various order were also counted and measured. At the end of the experiment, dry matter partitioning, leaf gas exchange and water potential were also measured. Total twig length and number, t…

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Indagine sull'attitudine alla conservazione di frutti del germoplasma di pesco siciliano: prime osservazioni su montagnole, percoche, sbergie e tabacchiere.

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Rese dei pistacchieti etnei a rischio per il poco polline.

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Valutazione della suscettibilità del germoplasma siciliano di pesco al virus della Sharka (PPV).

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Crescita vegetative ed aspetti ecofisiologici in giovani piante di olivo inoculate con il virus associato all’ingiallimento fogliare (OLYaV).

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Caratterizzazione molecolare del germoplasma siciliano di ciliegio dolce per la selezione di nuove varietà autofertili.

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A new self-compatibility haplotype in the sweet cherry 'Kronio', S5' attributable to a pollen-part mutation in the SFB gene

‘Kronio’ is a Sicilian cultivar of sweet cherry (Prunus avium), nominally with the incompatibility genotype S 5 S 6 , that is reported to be naturally self-compatible. In this work the cause of its self-compatibility was investigated. Test selfing confirmed self-compatibility and provided embryos for analysis; PCR with consensus primers designed to amplify S-RNase and SFB alleles showed that the embryos were of two types, S 5 S 5 and S 5 S 6 , indicating that S 6 pollen failed, but S 5 succeeded, perhaps because of a mutation in the pollen or stylar component. Stylar RNase analysis indicated active S-RNases for both S 5 and S 6 . The S-RNase alleles were cloned and sequenced; and sequences …

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Fenologia della maturazione e caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti di pesco del germoplasma autoctono della Sicilia

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SPECIALE PESCO: L'offerta siciliana tra innovazione e tradizione

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Interventi agronomici per migliorare la presenza di polline di pistacchio (P vera L.) negli impianti commerciali di Bronte.

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Variabilità di caratteri biometrici e molecolari (ssr) del germoplasma autoctono di ciliegio in Sicilia

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Le alternative al GF 677 per le cultivar di pesco precoci.

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Fingerprinting of Sicilian Cherry Germplasm with Simple Sequence Repeats and Incompatibility (S) Locus Primers

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