J.-c. Thoisy-dur
La collection historique d’échantillons de sols de l’essai patrimonial des ‘42 parcelles’ (INRAE, Versailles) : une machine à remonter le temps...
Following three previous papers (van Oort et al., 2016, 2017, 2020) dealing with current soil characteristics and geochemical budgets in surface horizons, as well as the impacts of fertilization in subsurface horizons in soils of INRAE’s long term bare fallow experiment (the 42-plots trial), we now present some chronological aspects of soil evolution at the soil’s surface since 1928. For that, we analyzed several series of about 15 samples from the historical sample archive for 10 representative treatments: fertilizers with acidifying effects (ammonium sulphate, ammonium phosphate), fertilizers with dispersive effects (sodium nitrate, sylvinite, and potassium chloride), superphosphate, amen…
Application of soil bioindicators for risk assessment, monitoring and soil characterization in contamined soils. Results from the French national "Bioindicators Programme"
EA GenoSol IPM CT?; International audience