A New Comorbidity in Periodontitis: Fusobacterium nucleatum and Colorectal Cancer
There is very recent and strong evidence relating Fusobacterium nucleatum to colorectal cancer. In this narrative review, we update the knowledge about gingival dysbiosis and the characteristics of Fusobacterium nucleatum as one of the main bacteria related to periodontitis. We provide data on microbiome, epidemiology, risk factors, prognosis, and treatment of colorectal cancer, one of the most frequent tumours diagnosed and whose incidence increases every year. We describe, from its recent origin, the relationship between this bacterium and this type of cancer and the knowledge and emerging mechanisms that scientific evidence reveals in an updated way. A diagram provided synthesizes the pa…
Small Bowel Enteroscopy − A Joint Clinical Guideline from the Spanish and Portuguese Small Bowel Study Groups
The present evidence-based guidelines are focused on the use of device-assisted enteroscopy in the management of small-bowel diseases. A panel of experts selected by the Spanish and Portuguese small bowel study groups reviewed the available evidence focusing on the main indications of this technique, its role in the management algorithm of each indication and on its diagnostic and therapeutic yields. A set of recommendations were issued accordingly.Estas recomendações baseadas na evidência detalham o uso da enteroscopia assistida por dispositivo no manejo clínico das doenças do intestino delgado. Um conjunto de Gastrenterologistas diferenciados em patologia do intestino delgado foi selecion…