María José Beneyto-arrojo
The Moderating Role of Intellectual Humility in the Adoption of ICT: A Study Across Life-Span
Literature has shown age-related differences in the adoption process. In this way, it is very important to encourage the adoption of ICT by the elderly, in order to maintain their independence in daily life. However, some specific cognitive variables were not considered in theoretical models until a decade ago. One of the emerging fields in this area is the science of learnable intelligence, which investigates the role of thinking dispositions. The variable which we have focused on is intellectual humility. For this propose, a sample of 306 participants from 18 to 87 years was selected. Age was selected as a predictor variable. Intellectual humility was tested as a moderator between ageing …
Gender, Coping, and Mental Health: a Bayesian Network Model Analysis
We examined the relationships among gender, coping, and mental health in terms of probabilities. We selected a sample of university students (N = 131) aged between 18 and 32 years, and used the GHQ-28 and COPE instruments for analysis. The Bayesian network model that we constructed showed higher probabilities of symptoms of mental health problems for emotion-focused coping than for problem-focused coping. No differences were found regarding gender. This suggests that the use of problem-focused coping is more recommendable for both male and female university students, and it may also provide some benefits in terms of treatment of symptoms of mental health problems. However, to further verify…
The role of age and emotional valence in word recognition: an ex-gaussian analysis
[Otro] Cie¿om práce je posúdi¿ vplyv veku a emo¿nej valencie na znovupoznávanie slov v rámci ex-Gaussových distribu¿ných komponentov. Dvom vekovým skupinám sme administrovali test znovupoznávania slov, v ktorom sme manipulovali emo¿nou valenciou. U mladších respondentov sa prejavili štatisticky signifikantné rozdiely pri negatívnych slovách v experimentálnej podmienke a v podmienke s distrakciou. U starších respondentov sme v odpove¿ových ¿asoch nezistili jasnú tendenciu. Vzh¿adom na ex-Gaussovský parameter ¿, ktorý sa v literatúre ¿asto spája s nárokmi na pozornos¿, vekovo podmienené rozdiely v emo¿nej valencii nemali žiaden vplyv na negatívne slová. Ak sa zameriame na emo¿nú valenciu v ob…