Droonijournalismi : kauko-ohjattavien kamerakopterien toimituskäyttö
Camera drones (remotely piloted aircrafts or unmanned aerial vehicles) open up new and exciting possibilities for journalistic newsgathering and video and photo shooting. The current report describes and analyses the results of the research project called “Drone Journalism: UtilizingRemotely Piloted Aircrafts (RPA) in Journalistic Purposes”. The project lasted 12 months (1.4.2015-31.3.2016) and was funded by Helsingin Sanomat Foundation. The project was carried out at the Department of Communication of the University of Jyväskylä. The aim of the project was to clarify the problems and possibilities of utilizing camera drones for journalistic purposes. The project focused on: 1) national and…