Sirpa Laitinen-väänänen

Physiotherapy under discussion: A discourse analytic study of physiotherapy students’ clinical education

Clinical education is asserted to be an important period in professional education, being an environment where deep conceptual understanding can develop. The aim of this study was to analyse the in...

research product

Construction of the client in physiotherapy student's practical learning sessions: a discourse analytic study

In recent years, there has been a tendency to stress the active role and equal partnership of clients in social and healthcare. Moreover, research in the role of clients has attracted growing interest. Clinical education has been seen as an excellent arena for learning the distinctiveness of the interaction between the client and the professional physiotherapist by giving students the chance to participate in actual healthcare encounters. This study focuses on examining the construction of various client roles through interactions between participants in practical learning sessions that physiotherapy students took part in. These sessions were real professional physiotherapy encounters. Qual…

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Clinical reasoning and critical reflection in physiotherapists’ examinations of patients with low back pain in its early phase : a qualitative study from physiotherapists’ point of view

Aim: The aim of this study was to deepen the current understanding of physiotherapists’ decision-making process and more specifically, to investigate their reflections on their clinical reasoning when examining low back pain patients. Method: Data were collected in interviews with six physiotherapists, were the stimulated recall method was used. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed and then analysed by content analysis. Results: Physiotherapists critically analysed and reflected their choices and decisions in clinical reasoning with patient’s symptoms, onset of pain, clinical test choices and results. They stopped to consider the adequacy of tests for drawing conclusions and their…

research product

Physiotherapists’ experiences of direct access for clients with musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction: a qualitative study

Aims: The aim of this study was to qualitatively analyse physiotherapists’ experiences and perspectives for delivering services directly, without prescription or referral, for clients with musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction. Methods: This was a qualitative study where data were collected from questionnaires given to 34 physiotherapists, 18 of them being in direct access for 6 years and 16 for 6 months. There were 15 structured questions and 3 open-ended ones. The answers were analysed with quantitative and qualitative methods. Results: The data analysis of the open-ended questions showed that physiotherapists had positive experiences of direct access. This practice brought meaningfulness, …

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Kliinisestä harjoittelusta työssäoppimiseen ja yhteistyötiimeihin

Terveysalan työharjoittelun toteutumista on arvosteltu siitä, että oppilaitokset panostavat entistä vähemmän työharjoittelun ohjaukseen ja harjoittelupaikkojen kanssa tehtävään yhteistyöhön. Harjoittelussa perinteiset työtavat ja vallitseva työkulttuuri siirretään kritiikittömästi opiskelijoille. Koulun antamat tiedot ja harjoittelupaikan edellyttämät taidot eivät kohtaa. Artikkelissa luodaan näkymiä uudenlaiseen työssäoppimiseen tehostamalla koulun ja työpaikkojen välistä yhteistyötä.

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The Transformation of Learning: From Learning Organizations to a Landscape of Ecosystems

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Clinical supervision as an interaction between the clinical educator and the student.

The interaction between clinical educators and students is regarded as the strongest element in developing expertise and in forming students' professional identity in clinical education. Although clinical education has been studied in physiotherapy, the natural interaction between clinical educators and students has remained unanalyzed. The aim of this study was to examine how supervised learning sessions during patient treatment were constructed. The focus was on the forms of interaction between clinical educators and students in natural contexts. By videotaping 12 natural patient treatment sessions, which simultaneously comprised part of the clinical education of physiotherapy students, a…

research product

Student Teachers’ Video-Assisted Collaborative Reflections of Socio-Emotional Experiences During Teaching Practicum

This study explores video as a tool for student teachers in reflecting upon their own teaching practice. The particular interest is in exploring, what kind of socio-emotional experiences did the student teachers describe during the video-assisted collaborative reflection and what benefits student teachers experienced through the video-assisted collaborative reflections? The study implements a video-observation model (Participatory and Empowering Video Analysis- model, PEVA™) developed for a professional teacher education programme and investigates the model from student teachers’ perspective. The participants are student teachers in an international professional teacher education programme …

research product

The construction of supervision and physiotherapy expertise : a qualitative study of physiotherapy students' learning sessions in clinical education

Clinical education is asserted to be an important period in professional education, being an environment where deep conceptual understanding together with practical experience can develop. The supervisional interaction between clinical educators and students in clinical education is regarded as the strongest element in developing students’ expertise, and in forming professional identity. This study examined the natural learning sessions in physiotherapy students’ clinical education. The purpose was to analyse what kinds of meanings related to supervision, physiotherapy practice, client, and students’ learning experiences were constructed in the learning sessions, and also, how these meaning…

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Työelämäyhteistyöstä oppimisen ekosysteemeiksi

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