Ludovic Bruneau

Carbon cycle and sea-water palaeotemperature evolution at the Middle-Late Jurassic transition, eastern Paris Basin (France).

14 pages; International audience; A very high-resolution carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis (bulk-carbonate) of a biostratigraphically well-constrained Callovian-Oxfordian series is provided here for the first time. The homogeneity of the clayey series and the weak diagenetic alteration allow the isotopic signal variations to be considered as primary in origin. A prominent and brief negative excursion in the δ13C curve (−2‰), occurring at the start of the Middle Callovian (Jason Zone - Obductum Subzone) and correlated regionally, suggests a possible methane release. The increasing δ13C values thereafter up to the Early Oxfordian, concomitant with a warming episode, highlight the buri…

research product

Diagenesis of clay minerals and K-bentonites in Late Permian/Early Triassic sediments of the Sichuan Basin (Chaotian section, Central China).

10 pages; International audience; Detailed clay mineralogical analyses were carried out on Late Permian/Early Triassic carbonate sediments exposed on the Chaotian section (Sichuan Basin, Central China). The clay assemblages are dominantly composed of illite in platform carbonates and clay seams, and illite-smectite mixed-layers (I/S) in tuff layers (K-bentonites) intercalated in the carbonate succession. Detrital and authigenic volcanogenic clay minerals have been partially replaced through illitisation processes during burial, raising questions about diagenetic effects. The precise determination of I/S occurring in K-bentonites shows that the sediments reached a temperature of about 180 °C…

research product

Environmental and climatic controls of the clay mineralogy of Albian deposits in the Paris and Vocontian basins (France)

18 pages; International audience; High-resolution clay mineral analyses were performed on lower and middle Albian deposits from the Paris and Vocontian basins in order to specify the weathering conditions that prevailed at that time. The clay mineral assemblages are composed of small proportions of chlorite and vermiculitic clays associated with abundant illite, R0 type illite-smectite mixed-layers (smectite) and kaolinite. Clay minerals originated from the physical alteration and chemical weathering of rocks and soils outcropping on the Variscan massifs bordering the studied areas. In the Paris Basin, the covariation of illite and kaolinite suggests the reworking of these latter minerals f…

research product

Minéralogie (fraction argileuse) de la région stratotypique.

5 pages; National audience

research product

Orbital chronology of the lower-middle Aptian: palaeoenvironmental implications (Serre Chaitieu section, Vocontian Basin).

4 pages; International audience; A detailed cyclostratigraphic study conducted on several proxies including spectral gamma ray, magnetic susceptibility, clay minerals, and carbonate content suggests that the return to equilibrium in the carbon cycle after the major disturbance linked with Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a occurred in about 2 Myr. The minimum duration of the D. furcata zone is estimated at 0.46 Myr and that of the E. subnodosocostatum zone at 1.45 Myr. Strengthening of the obliquity record in the furcata zone confirms the cooling that characterizes this period.

research product

First record of early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a from the Paris Basin (France) - Climate signals on a terrigenous shelf

Abstract In 2013, Andra (French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency) drilled boreholes to the south-east of the Paris Basin, to characterise Aptian and Albian clayey formations, including the ‘Argiles a Plicatules’ Formation dated as early Aptian. One of these boreholes intersected this formation with an excellent recovery allowing detailed biostratigraphy (ammonites), sedimentology, clay mineralogy, isotope geochemistry (δ13Corg) and Rock-Eval analyses to be performed. The base of the formation corresponds to transgressive dark-grey silty clays with iron oolites and plant debris indicating a coastal environment evolving up-section to upper offshore environments. Higher in the succ…

research product

Conditions d'hydrolyse au cours du Lutétien-Bartonien dans le Bassin parisien : apport des forages d'Ussy-sur-Marne et du Tillet

L’évolution des conditions climatiques du Paléogène a donné lieu à plusieurs synthèses régionales et globales. Le Bassin parisien, qui est l’un des bassins historiques pour la connaissance des dépôts cénozoïques, a été paradoxalement peu étudié du point de vue des paléoclimats. Cela s’explique par des affleurements dispersés, combinés à une grande variation des environnements de dépôts alternant entre continental et marin ouvert, et un calage stratigraphique complexe. Si les reconstitutions de températures sont accessibles par les données floro-faunistiques et isotopiques (δ18O), l’évolution des conditions hydriques et leurs conséquences sur la production et le transport des sédiments terri…

research product

Enregistrement du cycle du carbone à la transition Oxfordien inférieur-moyen dans l'est du Bassin de Paris

research product

Lower Aptian climate and recording of the oceanic anoxic event 1a on the terrigenous shelf of the Paris Basin.

research product