Bruno Aubry

Les systèmes de fosses profondes à la Pré- et Protohistoire : cartographie des fosses mésolithiques et des Schlitzgruben à l’échelle nationale

A nation-wide project of mapping deep pits dating to Pre- and Protohistory in continental France was launched by INRAP in 2015. Positioned at the interface between regional projects, on pits with V-, Y- and W-shaped profile (Schlitzgruben) as well as on deep pits dated to the Mesolithic, and nation-wide studies carried out by the INRAP (such as those focusing on the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age), the current project aims to bring together data and actors within the field of rescue archaeology in order to create an operational mapping tool. Constructed on a rational basis combining four levels of information (operation, pit systems, pits, absolute dates), this tool should ensure the incorpo…

research product

L'âge du Bronze en Normandie : les premiers métallurgistes (2300 à 800 avant notre ère)

National audience; L'âge du Bronze, entre 2300 et 800 avant notre ère, est une période charnière qui nous permet de rentrer de plain-pied dans l'histoire. À cette époque, des bateaux chargés de marchandises voguent sur la Manche, participant à une florissante économie transmanche avec l'Angleterre. Le territoire national, et plus particulièrement la Normandie, est un espace largement cultivé, traversé de chemins, découpé en parcelles et utilisé par de nombreuses fermes n'ayant rien à envier aux constructions qui occupaient encore nos campagnes avant-guerre. Les fouilles de ces dernières années, en particulier celles issues de l'archéologie préventive, réalisées au préalable de l'implantatio…

research product

The rural dwelling of the Second Iron Age

This book, resulting from a national investigation conducted by Inrap, is an analytical presentation of the rhythms of the emergence and abandonment of rural settlements during the Second Iron Age in the northern half of France. Depending on the region studied, between the 5th century BC and the 1st century AD, rural settlements were established, and have now been studied through preventative archaeological operations covering large surfaces. These studied updated our knowledge of the Gallic countryside, integrating paleobotanical, zooarchaeological and climatic data. Through systematic studies and presentations, this book offers a useful glimpse into this period, linking archaeology and hi…

research product