D. Guinet
Identification of new transitions feeding the high-spin isomers in $^{139}$Nd and $^{140}$Nd nuclei
The population of the high-spin isomers in 139Nd and 140Nd was investigated using the 96Zr(48Ca,xn) reaction and the JUROGAM + RITU + GREAT setup employing the recoil decay tagging technique. Three transitions feeding the 23/2+ isomer in 139Nd and two transitions feeding the 20+ isomer in 140Nd were identified. The newly observed transitions allowed the excitation energy of the isomer to be established in 139Nd and to assign configurations to the states and bands deexcited by the observed transitions in both nuclei. peerReviewed
Backbending in the pear-shaped 223(90)Th nucleus: Evidence of a high-spin octupole to quadrupole shape transition in the actinides
International audience; Relatively neutron-rich thorium isotopes lie at the heart of a nuclear region of nuclei exhibiting octupole correlation effects. The detailed level structure of Th223 has been investigated in measurements of γ radiation following the fusion-evaporation channel of the Pb208(O18,3n)Th223 reaction at 85 MeV beam energy. The level structure has been extended up to spin 49/2, and 33 new γ rays have been added using triple-γ coincidence data. The spins and parities of the newly observed states have been confirmed by angular distribution ratios. In addition to the two known yrast bands based on a K=5/2 configuration, a non-yrast band has been established up to spin 35/2. We…
Search for fingerprints of tetrahedral symmetry in 156gd
Theoretical predictions suggest the presence of tetrahedral symmetry as an explanation for the vanishing intra-band E2 transitions at the bottom of the odd-spin negative-parity band in 156Gd. The present study reports on experiment performed to address this phenomenon. It allowed to remove certain ambiguouities related to the intra-band E2 transitions in the negative-parity bands, to determine the new inter-band transitions and reduced probability ratios B(E2)/B(E1) and, for the first time, to determine the experimental uncertainties related to the latter observable. peerReviewed
Search for Fingerprints of Tetrahedral Symmetry in $^{156}Gd$
Theoretical predictions suggest the presence of tetrahedral symmetry as an explanation for the vanishing intra-band E2-transitions at the bottom of the odd-spin negative parity band in $^{156}Gd$. The present study reports on experiment performed to address this phenomenon. It allowed to determine the intra-band E2 transitions and branching ratios B(E2)/B(E1) of two of the negative-parity bands in $^{156}Gd$.