Alexei Katashev


Amber Particles as Living Plant Cell Markers in Flow Cytometry / Dzintara Daļiņas Kā Dzīvu Augu Šūnu Marķieri Plūsmas Citometrijā

Abstract The unique biological properties of amber are well known. Amber particles that penetrate into the cellular matrix can potentially be used as markers of plant cell biological activity by identification of living cells in flow cytometry. However, there have been no studies on effect of amber particles on plant cells. The aim of this study was to determine effect of amber nano- and micro- (5 nm-3 μm) particles on somatic and gametic cells and to assess the possibility to use amber particles as alive plant cells markers. To reach the aim, fluorescence of cells was determined in the presence of amber particles, and amber components - spirit of amber and sodium succinate dibasic hexahydr…

research product

Influence of SiO2 nanoparticles on relative fluorescence of plant cells

Nanoparticles (nano-scale particles (NSPs)) are defined as particles with dimensions less than 100 nm. SiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles are one of the most widely common nanoparticles in the environment, particularly in urban areas. The sources of SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles are very different, including natural nanoparticles, anthropogenic and engineered nanoparticles. The SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles could be considered a source of different pollution effects on leaving organisms. Nevertheless, knowledge of the mechanisms, through which the SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles affect cells, is incomplete. The aim of the research was to elaborate a …

research product