C. Lauria

Indicazioni per uno Studio su Familiarità e fattori di rischio del Sarcoma di Kaposi classico

Obiettivi: Dalle analisi dei dati degli studi precedenti effettuati in Sicilia sono emerse diverse indicazioni, per cui è stata avviata un’indagine in Sicilia nel 2013 , grazie ad un finanziamento della LILT nazionale, intesa a: valutare la situazione immunologica ed ematochimica e la sieroprevalenza in persone a stretto contatto con i malati (parente di 1 grado o marito/moglie) o parenti affetti dalla stessa patologia; indagare alcuni fattori di rischio con un questionario;effettuare il follow-up dei malati ogni 6-12-18-24 mesi ; individuare un Centro di Riferimento in Sicilia per la diagnosi e cura di questo tumore raro. Materiali e Metodi: Sono stati arruolati 24 Casi (21M/3F) e 27 Contr…

research product

Associations of classic Kaposi sarcoma with common variants in genes that modulate host immunity

AbstractClassic Kaposi sarcoma (CKS) is an inflammatory-mediated neoplasm primarily caused by Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus (KSHV). Kaposi sarcoma lesions are characterized, in part, by the presence of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors thought to regulate KSHV replication and CKS pathogenesis. Using genomic DNA extracted from 133 CKS cases and 172 KSHV-latent nuclear antigen-positive, population-based controls in Italy without HIV infection, we examined the risk of CKS associated with 28 common genetic variants in 14 immune-modulating genes. Haplotypes were estimated for IL1A, IL1B, IL4, IL8, IL8RB, IL10, IL12A, IL13, and TNF. Compared with controls, CKS risk was decrease…

research product

Correlates of Human Herpesvirus-8 DNA detection among adults in Italy without Kaposi sarcoma.

Background: The presence of Human Herpesvirus-8 (HHV8) DNA is predictive of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) among patients with HIV-associated or iatrogenic immunosuppression. However, correlates of HHV8-DNA detection in the general population remain undefined. Methods: We assessed correlates of HHV8-DNA detection among Italian adults without KS who had antibodies against HHV8-latent nuclear antigen by immunofluorescence assay. HHV8-K6 DNA sequences were detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells using TaqMan CR. Results: Of the 158 subjects 26 (16.5%) had detectable HHV8-DNA [median copies/million cells, 53; (13-2128)]. Adjusted for age, sex, and laboratory, HHV8-DNA was detected more frequently i…

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