Il ruolo del contatto tra varietà tedesche e romanze nella costruzione «verbo più locativo»
In this article we examine some effects of language contact in the multilingual province of Trento, where Romance and Germanic varieties have been in contact for centuries. We focus on the syntax of phrasal verbs (e. g. ‘go out’, ‘get away’) in Trentin, a Romance dialect group, in Fassan, a Rhaeto-romance variety, and in Cimbrian, a German(ic) minority language. In particular, we deal with two word order phenomena which might be attributed to contact with the more prestigious or widespread varieties spoken in the area: (i) in some Fassan phrasal verbs we find the order «Verb – XP – Locative element», which resembles the German order; (ii) in Cimbrian various syntactic positions are possible…