Influence of the input-stage architecture on the in-laboratory test of a mid-infrared interferometer: application to the ALOHA up-conversion interferometer in the L band
ABSTRACT In the framework of the Astronomical Light Optical Hybrid Analysis (ALOHA) laboratory mid-infrared (MIR) up-conversion fibred interferometer in the L band, we report on the influence of the input-stage architecture. Using an amplitude division set-up in the visible or near-infrared is a straightforward choice in most cases. In the MIR context, the results are slightly different and we show that a wavefront division set-up is needed. These in-laboratory principle experiments allow us to measure a reliable 88 per cent instrumental contrast with high flux and to obtain fringes from faint sources at 3.5 μm with a spectral bandwith of 37 nm converted to 817 nm. An equivalent limiting L-…