Salvador Rivas-martínez
Biogeographical and bioclimatic outline of Antarctica
This study proposes a bioclimatic characterization and a new biogeographic division for the Antarctic territories up to the province level following the criteria and models of Rivas-Martínez et al. The Antarctic Kingdom comprises the continent of Antarctica, the surrounding ice-covered Antarctic islands, and the associated cold oceanic islands and archipelagos. It has two biogeographic regions: the Antarctic Region and the Subantarctic Insular Region. The Antarctic Region includes the entire pergelid Antarctic continent and the surrounding islands and archipelagos, and is characterized by upper suprapolar hyperoceanic and oceanic or Polar pergelid bioclimates on the coasts. The region has b…
Understanding properly the `potential natural vegetation' concept
This is a response to critical comments concerning the inappropriate use of the potential natural vegetation (PNV) concept made in a recent contribution to the Commentary section of this journal. We consider that the PNV concept has been misinterpreted. PNV has been used extensively in several European countries since the mid-1950s and was never intended to be used to make a prediction of what vegetation would dominate in an area if human influence were removed. PNV maps express hypothetical assumptions of what corresponds to dominant or natural vegetation in each area. Remnants of the vegetation of the past provided by palaeopalynology and other disciplines provide valuable information for…