Anna Kämäräinen
User psychological problems in implementing production control system
Aim of this study was to analyze user psychological problems in implementing new production control system. Our preliminary results suggest that main user psychological problem is rare use effect and learning.
Interaction with Information Graphics: A Content-Based Approach
Understanding information graphics rely on thought process of graphics' reader, and thinking has the most important role in interpretation and exploitation. We are interested in the cognitive mechanisms underlying interaction with information graphics. In this study, we studied those cognitive processes which are employed when interacting with information graphics. Based on these experiments, we have separated four different types of thought processes which occur during the interactions with information graphics. We propose that these thought processes are apperception, restructuring, reflection and construction.
A Quantitative Method for Localizing User Interface Problems: The D-TEO Method
A large array of evaluation methods have been propo sed to identify Website usability problems. In log-based evaluation, inform ation about the performance of users is collected and stored into log files, and used to find problems and deficiencies in Web page designs. Most methods require the programming and modeling of large task models, which are cumbersome processes for evaluato rs. Also, because much statistical data is collected onto log files, recognizing which Web pages require deeper usability analysis is difficult. This paper suggests a novel quantitative method, called the D-TEO, for locating problematic Web pages. This semiautoma ted method explores the decomposition of interacti…
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A Quantitative Method for Localizing User Interface Problems : The D-Teo Method
A large array of evaluation methods have been proposed to identify Website usability problems. In log-based evaluation, information about the performance of users is collected and stored into log files, and used to find problems and deficiencies in Web page designs. Most methods require the programming and modeling of large task models, which are cumbersome processes for evaluators. Also, because much statistical data is collected onto log files, recognizing which Web pages require deeper usability analysis is difficult. This paper suggests a novel quantitative method, called the D-TEO, for locating problematic Web pages. This semiautomated method explores the decomposition of interaction t…