Salvatore Siringo
Migrazioni ed insediamenti informali: riflessioni sul caso siciliano
Over the last fifty years, many European regions in the Mediterranean area, historically considered as areas of origin of international migration flows, have been transformed into places of reception. At the basis of this mobility is, among many factors, the demand, by a variable and globalised economy, for 'easy' labour, mostly made up of new immigrants, instrumental to that particular local economic system. Analysing the spatial dimension of the phenomenon, it highlights how the inadequacy and insufficiency of reception places and the increase in eviction phenomena contribute to the significant increase in the phenomenon of informal settlements in peripheral urban contexts, making it diff…
Il fenomeno migratorio e gli insediamenti informali, un focus sul territorio siciliano
Il fenomeno dei flussi migratori, che da oltre vent'anni si registra in Europa in modo esponenzialmente crescente, ha rappresentato - e continua a rappresentare - un elemento di grande cambiamento nel quadro sociale europeo. Rispetto al suddetto scenario, i fenomeni di globalizzazione, le recenti trasformazioni socio-economiche e quelle del mercato del lavoro, sono alla base della convergenza di un articolato sistema di fattori interdipendenti che determinano il continuo mutamento dei rapporti tra paesi di origine e paesi di destinazione dei flussi migratori. Analizzando la dimensione spaziale, che mostra l'inadeguatezza e l'insufficienza dei luoghi di accoglienza e l'aumento dei fenomeni d…
Lezioni di Piano. Il racconto di un’esperienza con le scuole di Palermo
The new Sicilian regional law on territorial government introduces a number of novelties in the urban planning debate of recent years. It places 'participation' among the fundamental principles underlying Sicily's spatial planning activities. The Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo has gained an extensive experience in the field of participatory practices, and to maintain this inclination it decided to create a memorandum of understanding with the City of Palermo. The first project activity that the protocol has produced is the "Lessons in Planning" project, which aims to promote the culture of urban planning with students of first and second-grade secondary schools of P…
Informal migrant settlements between irregular condition and right to the city. New challenges for planning in cross-border Euro-Mediterranean contexts
Analysing the spatial dimension of the phenomenon, which highlights the inadequacy and insufficiency of reception places, the increase in phenomena of eviction of irregular occupations, as well as the post-COVID exclusion and marginalization effects whose territorial scope we can currently only speculate, with the significant increase in the phenomenon of informal settlements in suburban urban settings. In this sense, the recent results of surveys conducted in Italy in the field of planning on the territorial distribution of the foreign population in suburban contexts show how the traditional focus on urban contexts has left uncovered a relevant field of investigation. Therefore, the resear…
Bisogni e opportunità in tempi di pandemia a fronte del partenariato pubblico-privato: il caso della Fiera del Mediterraneo a Palermo
The Fair of the Mediterranean in Palermo has been an unresolved urban issue since the interruption of activities in 2008 and the closure of the Fair Authority. The Lisca Bianca association - to which the municipal administration has entrusted one of the pavilions - began to question, together with other territorial actors present in the Fair and in the 8th Circoscrizione, the management and future of the space, promoting, with the collaboration of the university, the first phase of a participatory process to imagine its redevelopment. The quarantine interrupted the work, which did not go beyond the first meeting (during which a World Café and Planning for Real were held). The needs expresse…