Alejandro Segarra
Genuine and Matter-induced Components of the CPV Asymmetry for Neutrino Oscillations
These results represent the solution for the historical problem of the contamination by matter effects on the CPV Asymmetry for neutrino oscillations. Vacuum is CPT-symmetric and matter is T-symmetric, the goal is accomplished by using this guiding principle. Independent of the theoretical framework for the dynamics of the active neutrino flavors, we prove the Disentanglement Theorem A(CP)=A(CP, T)+A(CP, CPT) for the experimental CPV Asymmetry, with A(CP, T) genuine T-odd and A(CP, CPT) fake CPT-odd. For the effective Hamiltonian written as the sum of free mass propagation plus the matter potential for electron-neutrinos, the two components have definite parities under the baseline L, the m…
The W and Z boson spin observables as messengers of New Physics at LHC
The successful LHC operation suggests going beyond the search of excess of events for the quest of new physics. We demonstrate that the eight multipole parameters describing the spin state of the W or Z bosons are able to disentangle their hidden production mechanism. They can be separately extracted from well defined angular asymmetries in the leptonic distribution of boson decays. The discriminating power of this analysis is well illustrated by: (i) polarised top quark decays, (ii) two body decay of heavy resonances, (iii) Drell-Yan production of Z plus jets, (iv) Z boson plus missing transverse energy.
The coherent weak charge of matter
We study the long-range force arising between two aggregates of ordinary matter due to a neutrino-pair exchange, in the limit of zero neutrino mass. Even if matter is neutral of electric charge, it is charged for this weak force. The interaction is described in terms of a coherent charge, which we call the weak flavor charge of aggregated matter. For each one of the interacting aggregates, this charge depends on the neutrino flavor as $Q_W^{\nu_e} = 2Z-N$, $Q_W^{\nu_\mu} = Q_W^{\nu_\tau} = -N$, where $Z$ is the number of protons and $N$ the number of neutrons. $Q_W^{\nu_e}$ depends explicitly on $Z$ because of the charged current contribution to $\nu_e e$ elastic scattering, while the $N$ t…
Signatures of the genuine and matter-induced components of the CP violation asymmetry in neutrino oscillations
CP asymmetries for neutrino oscillations in matter can be disentangled into the matter-induced CPT-odd (T-invariant) component and the genuine T-odd (CPT-invariant) component. For their understanding in terms of the relevant ingredients, we develop a new perturbative expansion in both $\Delta m^2_{21},\, |a| \ll |\Delta m^2_{31}|$ without any assumptions between $\Delta m^2_{21}$ and $a$, and study the subtleties of the vacuum limit in the two terms of the CP asymmetry, moving from the CPT-invariant vacuum limit $a \to 0$ to the T-invariant limit $\Delta m^2_{21} \to 0$. In the experimental region of terrestrial accelerator neutrinos, we calculate their approximate expressions from which we…
Absolute neutrino mass and the Dirac/Majorana distinction from the weak interaction of aggregate matter
The 2$\nu$-mediated force has a range of microns, well beyond the atomic scale. The effective potential is built from the t-channel absorptive part of the scattering amplitude and depends on neutrino properties on-shell. We demonstrate that neutral aggregate matter has a weak charge and calculate the matrix of six coherent charges for its interaction with definite-mass neutrinos. Near the range of the potential the neutrino pair is non-relativistic, leading to observable absolute mass and Dirac/Majorana distinction via different r-dependence and violation of the weak equivalence principle.
Breaking of discrete symmetries and global lepton number in neutrino physics
En relación con principios de simetría, esta Tesis ha abordado una serie de preguntas abiertas fundamentales en física de neutrinos. Por un lado, la existencia de violación de CP genuina en el sector leptónico, bajo el problema histórico de la falsa violación de CP inducida por la propagación de neutrinos en materia, que también conduce a la discriminación de la jerarquía en el ordenamiento de masas de los neutrinos. Demostramos que, en cualquier transición de sabor, las asimetrías que violan CP, T y CPT en oscilaciones de neutrinos en materia pueden escribirse en términos de una base de tres componentes independientes: (a) la genuina CPT-par, no nula sii hay violación genuina de CP ; (b) l…
Disentangling genuine from matter-induced CP violation in neutrino oscillations
We prove that, in any flavor transition, neutrino oscillation CP violating asymmetries in matter have two disentangled components: (a) a CPT-odd T-invariant term, non-vanishing iff there are interactions with matter; (b) a T-odd CPT-invariant term, non-vanishing iff there is genuine CP violation. As function of the baseline, these two terms are distinct L-even and L-odd observables, respectively. In the experimental region of terrestrial accelerator neutrinos, we calculate their approximate expressions from which we prove that, at medium baselines, the CPT-odd component is small and nearly $\delta$-independent, so it can be subtracted from the experimental CP asymmetry as a theoretical back…
Stimulated transitions in resonant atom Majorana mixing
Massive neutrinos demand to ask whether they are Dirac or Majorana particles. Majorana neutrinos are an irrefutable proof of physics beyond the Standard Model. Neutrinoless double electron capture is not a process but a virtual $\Delta L = 2$ mixing between a parent $^AZ$ atom and a daughter $^A(Z-2)$ excited atom with two electron holes. As a mixing between two neutral atoms and the observable signal in terms of emitted two-hole X-rays, the strategy, experimental signature and background are different from neutrinoless double beta decay. The mixing is resonantly enhanced for almost degeneracy and, under these conditions, there is no irreducible background from the standard two-neutrino cha…
Do T asymmetries for neutrino oscillations in uniform matter have a CP-even component?
Observables of neutrino oscillations in matter have, in general, contributions from the effective matter potential. It contaminates the CP violation asymmetry adding a fake effect that has been recently disentangled from the genuine one by their different behavior under T and CPT. Is the genuine T-odd CPT-invariant component of the CP asymmetry coincident with the T asymmetry? Contrary to CP, matter effects in uniform matter cannot induce by themselves a non-vanishing T asymmetry; however, the question of the title remained open. We demonstrate that, in the presence of genuine CP violation, there is a new non-vanishing CP-even, and so CPT-odd, component in the T asymmetry in matter, which i…