Application d’un modèle conceptuel à l’analyse de la dynamique hydrométéorologique des crues dans un bassin-versant en milieu tropical humide : cas du fleuve Mono.
7 pages; International audience; Application of a conceptual model to analysis of dynamic hydrometeorological flood in a pool - side in tropicalmoist environment : the case of Mono river. The objective of this study is to analyze the dynamics of the basinhydrometeorological and distribution of incoming flood dam Nangbéto to assess the risk of flooding in the lower valley of theriver. The data used are: daily flows of Mono (m3.s-1) and Nangbéto Athiémé, evapotranspiration (mm / day, calculatedaccording to the method Oudin et al., 2005) and the average precipitation over the basin (mm / day) covering the period1988- 2010. The method of spatial interpolation of rainfall tested is that of ordin…