P. Klag

Quasi-elastic polarization-transfer measurements on the deuteron in anti-parallel kinematics

We present measurements of the polarization-transfer components in the H2(e→,e′p→) reaction, covering a previously unexplored kinematic region with large positive (anti-parallel) missing momentum, pmiss, up to 220MeV/c, and Q2=0.65 (GeV/c)2. These measurements, performed at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI), were motivated by theoretical calculations which predict small final-state interaction (FSI) effects in these kinematics, making them favorable for searching for medium modifications of bound nucleons in nuclei. We find in this kinematic region that the measured polarization-transfer components Px and Pz and their ratio agree with the theoretical calculations, which use free-proton form factor…

research product

Beam-normal single spin asymmetry in elastic electron scattering off 28Si and 90Zr

We report on a new measurement of the beam-normal single spin asymmetry $A_{\mathrm{n}}$ in the elastic scattering of 570 MeV transversely polarized electrons off $^{28}$Si and $^{90}$Zr at $Q^{2}=0.04\, \mathrm{GeV}^2/c^2$. The studied kinematics allow for a comprehensive comparison with former results on $^{12}$C. No significant mass dependence of the beam-normal single spin asymmetry is observed in the mass regime from $^{12}$C to $^{90}$Zr.

research product

Spectral distribution and Coulomb correction for nuclear bremsstrahlung induced by heavy targets

Abstract Bremsstrahlung spectra below 250 MeV have been measured colliding 500 MeV–electrons with Cu, Ag, and Au targets. The experimental intensity ratios relative to Cu are well described by an accurate analytical high-energy theory, which accounts both for Coulomb distortion and screening. This represents the first experimental verification of the discovery by Bethe-Maximon that leading-order quantum mechanical calculations, equivalent to quasiclassical approximations, become exact at high energies and small angles. It also shows that radiative QED effects play a minor role in the covered part of the spectral distribution within the accuracy (1.6%) of the present measurements.

research product

Measurements of the induced polarization in the quasi-elastic A(e,e′p→) process in non-coplanar kinematics

Abstract We report measurements of the induced polarization P → of protons knocked out from 2H and 12C via the A ( e , e ′ p → ) reaction. We have studied the dependence of P → on two kinematic variables: the missing momentum p miss and the “off-coplanarity” angle ϕ p q between the scattering and reaction planes. For the full 360° range in ϕ p q , both the normal ( P y ) and, for the first time, the transverse ( P x ) components of the induced polarization were measured with respect to the coordinate system associated with the scattering plane. P x vanishes in coplanar kinematics, however in non-coplanar kinematics, it is on the same scale as P y . We find that the dependence on ϕ p q is si…

research product

Measurements of the electron-helicity asymmetry in the quasi-elastic A(e→,e′p) process

Abstract We present measurements of the electron helicity asymmetry in quasi-elastic proton knockout from 2H and 12C nuclei by polarized electrons. This asymmetry depends on the fifth structure function, is antisymmetric with respect to the scattering plane, and vanishes in the absence of final-state interactions, and thus it provides a sensitive tool for their study. Our kinematics cover the full range in off-coplanarity angle ϕ p q , with a polar angle θ p q coverage up to about 8°. The missing energy resolution enabled us to determine the asymmetries for knock-out resulting in different states of the residual 11B system. We find that the helicity asymmetry for p-shell knockout from 12C d…

research product

Novel optical interferometry of synchrotron radiation for absolute electron beam energy measurements

Abstract A novel interferometric method is presented for the measurement of the absolute energy of electron beams. In the year 2016, a pioneering experiment was performed using a 195 MeV beam of the Mainz Microtron (MAMI). The experimental setup consisted of two collinear magnetic undulators as sources of coherent optical synchrotron light and a high-resolving grating monochromator. Beam energy measurements required the variation of the relative undulator distance in the decimeter range and the analysis of the intensity oscillation length in the interference spectrum. A statistical precision of 1 keV was achieved in 1 h of data taking, while systematic uncertainties of 700 keV were present …

research product

Status of hypertriton binding energy measurements at the Mainz Microtron

research product

Design study for a 500 MeV positron beam at the Mainz Microtron MAMI

A design study has been performed for a positron beam with an energy of 500 MeV to be realized at the applied physics area of the Mainz Microtron MAMI. Positrons will be created after pair conversion of bremsstrahlung, produced by the 855 MeV electron beam af MAMI in a tungsten converter target. From the two conceivable geometries (i) pair conversion in the bremsstrahlung converter target itself, and (ii) bremsstrahlung pair conversion in a separated lead foil, the former was considered in detail. Positrons will be energy selected within an outside open electron beam-line bending magnet, and bent back by an additional sector magnet. Magnetic focusing elements in between are designed to prep…

research product

Operation and characterization of a windowless gas jet target in high-intensity electron beams

Abstract A cryogenic supersonic gas jet target was developed for the MAGIX experiment at the high-intensity electron accelerator MESA. It will be operated as an internal, windowless target in the energy-recovering recirculation arc of the accelerator with different target gases, e.g., hydrogen, deuterium , helium, oxygen, argon, or xenon. Detailed studies have been carried out at the existing A1 multi-spectrometer facility at the electron accelerator MAMI. This paper focuses on the developed handling procedures and diagnostic tools, and on the performance of the gas jet target under beam conditions. Considering the special features of this type of target, it proves to be well suited for a n…

research product

Innovative remotely-controlled bending device for thin silicon and germanium crystals

Steering of negatively charged particle beams below 1 GeV has demonstrated to be possible with thin bent silicon and germanium crystals. A newly designed mechanical holder was used for bending crystals, since it allows a remotely-controlled adjustment of crystal bending and compensation of unwanted torsion. Bent crystals were installed and tested at the MAMI Mainz MIcrotron to achieve steering of 0.855-GeV electrons at different bending radii. We report the description and characterization of the innovative bending device developed at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL).

research product

Enhanced electromagnetic radiation in oriented scintillating crystals at the 100-MeV and sub-GeV scales

research product

Beam-normal single spin asymmetry in elastic electron scattering off Si and Zr

We report on a new measurement of the beam-normal single spin asymmetry An in the elastic scattering of 570 MeV transversely polarized electrons off $^{28}$Si and $^{90}$Zr at Q2=0.04 GeV2/c2. The studied kinematics allow for a comprehensive comparison with former results on $^{12}$C. No significant mass dependence of the beam-normal single spin asymmetry is observed in the mass regime from $^{12}$C to $^{90}$Zr.

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