A. Sytov
Enhancement of Bremsstrahlung Radiation Generated by Electron Beam Interaction in an Axially-Oriented Scintillator Crystal (Poster)
Since their discovery, scintillator materials have played an important role in nuclear and particle physics, as well as in medical and industrial imaging. [...]
Progress towards the first measurement of charm baryon dipole moments
Electromagnetic dipole moments of short-lived particles are sensitive to physics within and beyond the Standard Model of particle physics but have not been accessible experimentally to date. To perform such measurements it has been proposed to exploit the spin precession of channeled particles in bent crystals at the LHC. Progress that enables the first measurement of charm baryon dipole moments is reported. In particular, the design and characterization on beam of silicon and germanium bent crystal prototypes, the optimization of the experimental setup, and advanced analysis techniques are discussed. Sensitivity studies show that first measurements of $\Lambda_c^+$ and $\Xi_c^+$ baryon dip…