Benjamin Fischer
An organizing region in metamorphosing hydrozoan planula larvae--stimulation of axis formation in both larval and in adult tissue.
A novel wingless gene was isolated from the marine colonial hydroid Hydractinia echinata. Alignments and Bayesian inference analysis clearly assign the gene to the Wnt5A group. In line with data found for the brachyury ortholog of Hydractinia, He-wnt5A is expressed during metamorphosis in the posterior tip of the spindle-shaped planula larva, suggesting that the tip functions as a putative organizer during metamorphosis. Additionally, the outermost cells of the posterior tip are omitted from apoptosis during metamorphosis. In order to investigate this putative organizer function, we transplanted the posterior tip of metamorphosing animals into non-induced larvae and into primary polyps 24 h…
Rapid transformation of inorganic to organic and plant-available phosphorous in soils of a glacier forefield
Abstract Chemical weathering of rocks or sediments is extremely important for the generation of soils, for the evolution of landscape, and as a main source of inorganic nutrients for plant growth and therefore for life. Temporal trends in weathering mechanisms, plant succession and nutrients availability in cold environments can be successfully studied in soil chronosequences along a glacier forefield. In the present paper, this was carried out in the pro-glacial area of Morteratsch. Different forms of phosphorous in the soil, stream and spring water chemistry were investigated. Apatite constitutes the main source of P, but it occurs only as a minor accessory mineral phase in the granitic/g…