A. V. Veresnikova
Measuring the14C content in liquid scintillators
We are going to perform a series of measurements where the 14C/12 C ratio will be measured from several liquid scintillator samples with a dedicated setup. The setup is designed with the aim of measuring ratios smaller than 10-18. Measurements take place in two underground laboratories: in the Baksan Neutrino Observatory, Russia and in the Pyhasalmi mine, Finland. In Baksan the measurements started in 2015 and in Pyhasalmi they start in the beginning of 2015. In order to fully understand the operation of the setup and its background contributions a development of simulation packages has also been started. Low-energy neutrino detection with a liquid scintillator requires that the intrinsic 1…
Measuring the 14C content in liquid scintillators
We are going to perform a series of measurements where the 14C/12C ratio will be measured from several liquid scintillator samples with a dedicated setup. The setup is designed with the aim of measuring ratios smaller than 10−18. Measurements take place in two underground laboratories: in the Baksan Neutrino Observatory, Russia and in the Pyh¨asalmi mine, Finland. In Baksan the measurements started in 2015 and in Pyh¨asalmi they start in the beginning of 2015. In order to fully understand the operation of the setup and its background contributions a development of simulation packages has also been started. Low-energy neutrino detection with a liquid scintillator requires that the intrinsic …
Towards 14C-free liquid scintillator
A series of measurements has been started where the 14C concentration is determined from several liquid scintillator samples. A dedicated setup has been designed and constructed with the aim of measuring concentrations smaller than 10−18. Measurements take place in two underground laboratories: in the Baksan Neutrino Observatory, Russia, and in the new Callio Lab in the Pyhäsalmi mine, Finland. Low-energy neutrino detection with a liquid scintillator requires that the intrinsic 14C concentration in the liquid is extremely low. In the Borexino CTF detector the concentration of 2 × 10−18 has been achieved being the lowest value ever measured. In principle, the older the oil or gas source that…