Giovanni Lo Iacono
Robust dynamic comfort modelling for motorcycle riding
Comfort modeling is considered a prerequisite in motorcycle design, primarily to address safety concerns and to position the product on themarket. However, a comprehensive methodology for comfort modeling during the earliest development phases of a motorcycle model is still missing. Anthropometrical variation is the main noise factor to consider in comfort modeling in relation to the unavoidable variability of body segments. However, comfort is a subjective concept influencing riders’ choice of motorcycle model. This work is a generalization of the robust ergonomic design methodology aimed at designing products whose ergonomic performance is insensitive to anthropometrical variation. This w…
Comfort-structural analysis in product development Optimization of a motorcycle frame
This work steps from a bachelor thesis, joining the results of a study about the dynamic loads to evaluate the comfort loss in the motorcycle during the usage, with the potentiality of a modern FEM software. The goal is the development of a new methodology for structural optimization of motorcycle’s frame. In many of cases the success of the structural optimization is linked with a two factors combination: the software and the strength of the engineer to condition the mathematical problem, defining parameters domain and technological constraints. A good alternative to the traditional load hypothesis linked to historical data or instrumental measurements is focused in this paper. Consistent …
Robust Dynamic Comfort Modeling for Motorcycle Riding
Comfort modeling is considered a prerequisite in motorcycle design, primarily to address safety concerns and to position the product on the market. However, a comprehensive methodology for comfort modeling during the earliest development phases of a motorcycle model is still missing. Anthropometrical variation is the main noise factor to consider in comfort modeling in relation to the unavoidable variability of body segments. However, comfort is a subjective concept influencing riders' choice of motorcycle model. This work is a generalization of the robust ergonomic design methodology aimed at designing products whose ergonomic performance is insensitive to anthropometrical variation. This …
Robust dynamic comfort modeling for motorcycle riding
Comfort modeling is considered a prerequisite in motorcycle design, primarily to address safety concerns and to position the product on the market. However, a comprehensive methodology for comfort modeling during the earliest development phases of a motorcycle model is still missing. Anthropometrical variation is the main noise factor to consider in comfort modeling in relation to the unavoidable variability of body segments. However, comfort is a subjective concept influencing riders' choice of motorcycle model. This work is a generalization of the robust ergonomic design methodology aimed at designing products whose ergonomic performance is insensitive to anthropometrical variation. This …
New frontiers of Robust Design with applications to motorcycles
Most of the literature on Robust Design has so far focused on making technical performances of products and processes as much insensitive as possible to the action of noise factors, often representing physical variables. When studying the human-machine interaction, we can try to achieve system robustness to “human” noise factors in general, by considering variations in: psychological impact, body shapes and cognitive psychology in usage. These are new frontiers of Robust Design. This work started from three research lines, namely Kansei Engineering, Robust Ergonomic Design, and Human Machine interface design, the former involving cognitive and psychological aspects within product placement,…
Progettazione emozionale statistica
In questo lavoro si propone l’utilizzo di particolari metodologie statistiche nell’ambito del Kansei Engineering, con un esempio applicativo a motoveicoli di media cilindrata appartenenti al segmento delle turistiche di medio raggio. Seguendo la procedura proposta, il “prodotto moto” è stato analizzato dal punto di vista delle emozioni che esso suscita nel potenziale acquirente, all’interno del cosiddetto spazio semantico. Al contempo nello spazio delle proprietà, le specifiche di mercato sono state selezionate e raggruppate attraverso l’utilizzo di un software che stima l’importanza degli attributi o caratteristiche di prodotto. Successivamente sono state condotte delle interviste che mira…