Philipp Franken
Third french-german meeting on plant-microbe interactions
Mtha1, a Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase Gene fromMedicago truncatula,Shows Arbuscule-Specific Induced Expression in Mycorrhizal Tissue
: Transport processes between plant and fungal cells are key elements in arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), where H+-ATPases are considered to be involved in active uptake of nutrients from the symbiotic interface. Genes encoding H+-ATPases were identified in the genome of Medicago truncatula and three cDNA fragments of the H+-ATPase gene family (Mtha1 - 3) were obtained by RT-PCR using RNA from M. truncatula mycorrhizal roots as template. While Mtha2 and Mtha3 appeared to be constitutively expressed in roots and unaffected by AM development, transcripts of Mtha1 could only be detected in AM tissues and not in controls. Further analyses by RT-PCR revealed that Mtha1 transcripts are not detectable …
Mycorrhiza-induced resistance againsta root-rot pathogen in petunia: molecular mechanisms
The role of the plant genome in modulating arbuscular mycorrhizal formation.
International audience
Development and molecular biology of arbuscular mycorhizal fungi
International audience
Isolation and characterization of a BamHI element in psam3 a gene of Pisum sativum L. induced during early stages of arbuscular mycorrhiza development
Plant genes involved in arbuscular mycorrhiza formation and functioning
Knowledge about that part of the plant genome involved in the establishment and functioning of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is important for the basic understanding of this symbiosis. It is also essential for a ‘genes to the field’ approach based on the identification and exploitation of genes that could be central to developing sustainable plant production systems in the future.
Identification of mycorrhiza-regulated genes with arbuscule development-related expression profile
Suppressive subtractive hybridisation was applied to the analysis of late stage arbuscular mycorrhizal development in pea. 96 cDNA clones were amplified and 81, which carried fragments more than 200 nt in size, were sequence analysed. Among 67 unique fragments, 10 showed no homology and 10 were similar to sequences with unknown function. RNA accumulation of the corresponding 67 genes was analysed by hybridisation of macro-arrays. The cDNAs used as probes were derived from roots of wild type and late mutant pea genotypes, inoculated or not with the AM fungus Glomus mosseae. After calibration, a more than 2.5-fold mycorrhiza-induced RNA accumulation was detected in two independent experiments…
Expression profiling of up-regulated plant and fungal genes in early and late stages of Medicago truncatula - Glomus mosseae interactions
International audience
Molecular characterization and gene analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
International audience
Gènes activés lors de l'interaction racine / Glomus mosseae chez Medicago truncatula
National audience
Establishment of Petunia hybrida as model for studying mycorrhiza-induced resistance
Root pathogens play an important economical role in the production of vegetable and ornamental plants. They cause high losses especially in green house production and are difficult to combat by conventional methods, because the use of pesticides in soils or substrates is limited. The application of arbuscular mycorrhiza could be an alternative as mycorrhizal plants generally showed higher resistance against various soil-borne pathogenic fungi. The success of the inoculation is, however, not predictable and mechanisms behind the protective effects are largely unknown. The ornamental crop Petunia hybrida is among other solanaceous plants confronted with attack by root pathogens and was theref…
Identification of genes activated during arbuscular mycorrhiza interactions by suppressive substractive hybridisation and cloning of differential expresed cDNA
International audience
Signalling between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plants: Identification of a gene expressed during early interactions by differential RNA display analysis
Although there is evidence for an interplay of signalling/recognition events at different stages during plant/fungal interactions in arbuscular mycorrhiza, the nature of signalling molecules and signal perception/transduction processes are so far unknown. Virtually nothing is known of molecular interactions during initial contact between arbuscular mycorrhizal symbionts, but plant mutants which limit fungal development to these first steps (myc-1) provide proof of the involvement of plant genes. One such pea mutant (P2) has been used to investigate gene expression during early plant-fungal interactions by differential RNA display. Partial transcriptome analysis has indicated frequent simila…
Mtha1, a plasma membrane H+ - ATPase gene from Medicago truncatula, shows arbuscule-specific induced expression in mycorrhizal tissue
International audience
Identification of plant and fungal genes involved in the late stages of arbuscular mycorrhizas development
International audience
Genomics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
International audience
Regulation of gene expression during endomycorrhizal infection
International audience
Expression of genes encoding membrane intrinsic proteins (MIP) in arbuscular mycorrhizal parsley, tobacco and fababean
International audience