Scientific evaluation on substance abuse research through web of science over the 2008–2012 period
s / Drug and Alcohol Dependence 156 (2015) e102–e182 e149 agonist treatment for opioid dependence utilized postpartum reproductive health care services and identify the prevalence rate and contraceptive methods of this population. Methods: Data on contraceptive use were collected around the time of the postpartum OB visit for participants in the MOTHER (MaternalOpioidTreatment:HumanExperimentalResearch) study for this secondary analysis. Results: Among the 175 MOTHER participants, data about contraceptivemethodwereonlyavailable for43% (n=76)of the sample andmany reported not attending their postpartumOBvisit. Among those with data, 45% of participants (n=34) reported not using any contracep…