K. Oesterberg
A measurement of the Tau topological branching ratios
Using data collected in the DELPHI detector at LEP-1, measurements of the inclusive tau branching ratios for decay modes containing one, three, or five charged particles have been performed, giving the following results: B_1 = B(\tau^- -> (particle)^- \geq 0pi^0 \geq 0K^0 \nu_\tau(\bar{\nu})) = (85.316 +/- 0.093 +/- 0.049)%; B_3 = B(\tau^- -> 2h^-h^+ \geq 0pi^0 \geq 0K^0 \nu_\tau) = (14.569 +/- 0.093 +/- 0.048)%; B_5 = B(\tau^- -> 3h^-2h^+ \geq 0pi^0 \geq 0K^0 \nu_\tau) = (0.115 +/- 0.013 +/- 0.006)%, where h is either a charged pi or K meson. The first quoted uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic.
A Measurement of the Bbbar Forward-backward Asymmetry Using the Semileptonic Decay Into Muons
Measurement of the Z$^0$ branching fraction to b quark pairs using the boosted sphericity product
Abstract From a sample of about 120 000 hadronic Z 0 decays, using a technique based on a separation of the different event categories in the boosted sphericity product, the fraction of b b decays has been measured to be 0.219 ± 0.014 (stat)± 0.019 (syst). Using the DELPHI determination of the hadronic Z 0 width, this corresponds to a partial width τ b b = 378 ± 42 MeV (in good agreement with the standard model prediction of ∼-380 MeV). Combining this measurement with the determinations based on events with high p t leptons gives an estimate for the branching ratio of b into leptons at LEP of (11.2 ± 1.2)%, consistent with previous determinations.
Searches for heavy neutrinos from Z decays
We have searched for possible fourth family heavy neutrinos, pair produced in Z0 decays, in a sample of about 112 000 hadronic Z0 final states collected with the DELPHI detector. For all mixing matrix elements we exclude a new Dirac neutrino lighter than 44.5 GeV at a 95% confidence level, if the neutrino couples to the electron or muon family, and lighter than 44.0 GeV, if the neutrino couples to the tau family. Depending on the values of the mixing element and to which lepton family the neutrino couples, we obtain mass limits up to 46.2 GeV. For all mixing matrix elements we exclude a new Majorana neutrino lighter than 39.0 GeV, if it couples to the electron or the muon family, and lighte…
A Measurement of Sin2-theta-w From the Charge Asymmetry of Hadronic Events At the Z0 Peak
Abstract View references (24)The weak mixing angle has been measured from the charge asymmetry of hadronic events with two different approaches using the DELPHI detector at LEP. Both methods are based on a momentum-weighted charge sum to determine the jet charge in both event hemispheres. In a data sample of 247 300 multihadronic Z0 decays a charge asymmetry of 〈QF〉 - 〈QB〉 = -0.0076±0.0012(stat.)±0.0005(exp. syst.)±0.0014(frag.) and a raw forward-backward asymmetry of Araw FB = -0.0109±0.0020(stat.)±0.0010(exp. syst.)±0.0017(frag.) have been measured. This result corresponds to a value of sinθeff=0.2345±0.0030(exp.)±0.0027(frag.) ,sin2θMS=0.2341±0.0030(exp.)±0. 0027(frag.) and to sin2θW=1-m…
Cross-sections and leptonic forward-backward asymmetries from the Z(0) running of LEP
During 1993 and 1995 LEP was run at 3 energies near the Z $^0$ peak in order to give improved measurements of the mass and width of the resonance. During 1994, LEP operated only at the Z $^0$ peak. In total DELPHI accumulated data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 116 pb $^{-1}$ . Analyses of the hadronic cross-sections and of the cross-sections and forward-backward asymmetries in the leptonic channels used the most precise evaluations of the LEP energies. In the dimuon channel, events with a photon radiated from the initial state have been used to probe the cross-sections and asymmetries down to PETRA energies. Model independent fits to all DELPHI lineshape and asy…
Multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum in $e^+e^-$ annihilations at LEP energies
A strong increase of the mean transverse momentum [p(t)] with the number of charged particles n(ch) is observed in e+e- annihilations into hadrons at LEP energies, The effect resembles correlations observed in hadron-hadron interactions. In e+e- annihilations the [p(t)] and n(ch) correlations can be accounted for by gluon radiation.
Determination of 55-155-155-1in second order QCD from hadronic Z decays
Distributions of event shape variables obtained from 120600 hadronic Z decays measured with the DELPHI detector are compared to the predictions of QCD based event generators. Values of the strong coupling constant αs are derived as a function of the renormalization scale from a quantitative analysis of eight hadronic distributions. The final result, αs(MZ), is based on second order perturbation theory and uses two hadronization corrections, one computed with a parton shower model and the other with a QCD matrix element model. © 1992 Springer-Verlag.