P. Rasal
Validación del cuestionario holandés de comportamiento alimentario (DEBQ-C) para su uso en niños españoles
Introduction: The Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire for children was developed by Van Strien and Oosterveld (2008) to measure three different eating behaviors (emotional eating, restrained eating and external eating); it is an adaptation of the DEBQ for adults. Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire for Children (DEBQ-C) with a Spanish sample. Method: The DEBQ-C was administered to 473 children (240 boys and 233 girls), from 10 to 14 years old. The sample included a Clinical Overweight Group (COG; n = 81) comprising children who were receiving weight loss treatments, a Non Clinical Overweight Group (NCOG, …
A VR-based serious game to regulate joy in adolescents: A comparison of different devices
Adolescence is a crucial period to learn Emotional Regulation (ER) strategies to prevent future psychological problems. This work is aimed to test the efficacy of GameTeen System (GT-System), a serious game that teaches ER strategies to regulate joy (VAS scale) and perceived arousal (FAS scale) in a non-clinical sample of adolescents. We conducted a between-participants experiment in which participants (N = 63) played a joy induction game, and then an ER game using one of three types of devices (computer, smartphone, and RGB-D camera). Results revealed that GT-System was only effective in increase perceived arousal after the joy induction game and decrease after the ER game. Statistically s…
Validation of the Dutch eating behavior questionnaire for children (DEBQ-C) for use with Spanish children Validación del cuestionario holandés de comportamiento alimentario (DEBQ-C) para su uso en niños españoles
Introduction: The Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire for children was developed by Van Strien and Oosterveld (2008) to measure three different eating behaviors (emotional eating, restrained eating and external eating); it is an adaptation of the DEBQ for adults. Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire for Children (DEBQ-C) with a Spanish sample. Method: The DEBQ-C was administered to 473 children (240 boys and 233 girls), from 10 to 14 years old. The sample included a Clinical Overweight Group (COG; n = 81) comprising children who were receiving weight loss treatments, a Non Clinical Overweight Group (NCOG, …