Xiaokang Zhou

Observation of the doubly radiative decay η′→γγπ0

Based on a sample of 1.31 billion J/psi events collected with the BESIII detector, we report the study of the doubly radiative decay eta' -> gamma gamma pi(0) for the first time, where the eta' meson is produced via the J/psi -> gamma eta' decay. The branching fraction of eta' -> gamma gamma pi(0) inclusive decay is measured to be B(eta' -> gamma gamma pi(0))(Incl) = (3.20 +/- 0.07(stat) +/- 0.23(sys)) x 10(-3), while the branching fractions of the dominant process eta' -> gamma omega and the non-resonant component are determined to be B(eta' -> gamma omega) x B(omega -> gamma pi(0)) = (23.7 +/- 1.4(stat) +/- 1.8(sys)) x 10(-4) and B(eta' -> gamma gamma pi(0))(NR) = (6.16 +/- 0.64(stat) +/-…

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Measurement of the W boson mass

The W boson mass is measured using proton-proton collision data at root s = 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.7fb(-1) recorded during 2016 by the LHCb experiment. With a simultaneous fit of the muon q/p(T) distribution of a sample of W ->mu y decays and the phi* distribution of a sample of Z -> mu mu decays the W boson mass is determined to be

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Observation of the Dalitz decayη′→γe+e−

We report the first observation of the Dalitz decay eta' -> gamma e(+)e(-), based on a data sample of 1.31 billion J/psi events collected with the BESIII detector. The eta' mesons are produced via the J/psi -> gamma eta' decay process. The ratio (eta' -> gamma e(+)e(-))/Gamma (eta' -> gamma gamma) is measured to be (2.13 +/- 0.09(stat) +/- 0.07(sys)) x 10(-2). This corresponds to a branching fraction B(eta' -> gamma e(+)e(-)) = (4.69 +/- 0.20(stat) +/- 0.23(sys)) x 10(-4). The transition form factor is extracted and different expressions are compared to the measured dependence on the e(+)e(-) invariant mass. The results are consistent with the prediction of the vector meson dominance model.

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