F Conte

Quality of life, Body image, and psychiatric implications in patients with urn trauma: preliminary study of the Italian version of Burn Specific Health Scale-brief

Burn patients may suffer both physical and psychopatological consequences and their quality of life and the presence of psychopathological symptoms should be evacuate. The Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B) is a tried and test-instrument for assessing burn patients’ quality of life. The aim of this study is to propose the Italian translation of BSHS-B and presents the preliminary results of an exploratory study. The Italian version of BSHS-B was administered to a sample group of 50 burn victims. Reliability was verified by Cronbach’s alpha, and construct validity was evaluated through correlation with the Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36) and the Self-report Symptom I…

research product

Free fatty acids and other volatile compounds for the characterisation of "Vastedda della valle del Belice" cheese.

The analysis of the volatile constituents of “Vastedda della valle del Belìce”, a typical Sicilian pasta filata cheese, was performed using solid phase microextraction and high-resolution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The research aimed to verify if the volatile fraction, determinant for cheese flavor, differs among producers and/or production seasons. The samples were provided by four producers from the area of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) production, during two different seasons of production. A total of 42 volatile components were identified: the main components were found to be butanoic, hexanoic, octanoic, and decanoic acid. Free fatty acids were quantified using t…

research product

Qualità di Vita, immagine del corpo e complicanze psichiatriche in pazienti con trauma da ustione

research product

Expansion of intestinal CD4+CD25(high) Treg cells in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a putative role for interleukin-10 in preventing intestinal Th17 response

Objective: subclinical gut inflammation has been demonstrated in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients. Aim of this study was to determine the frequency of regulatory CD4+CD25high T cells (Treg), and to evaluate Treg-related cytokines (IL-2, TGF-β, IL-10), and transcription factors (FOXP3 and STAT5) in the ileum of AS patients. Methods: Quantitative gene expression analysis, by rt-PCR, of Treg-related cytokines (IL-2, TGF-β, IL-10) and transcription factor (STAT-5 and FOXP3) was performed on ileal biopsies of 18 AS and 15 active Crohn’s disease (CD) patients, and 15 healthy subjects (HS). Tissue and circulating Treg cells were also analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: A significant up-regula…

research product


Obiettivo. Analisi dell’effetto cardioprotettivo perioperatorio dell’anestesia peridurale toracica (TEA) in un paziente car- diopatico sottoposto a chirurgia non cardiaca. Materiali e metodi. Paziente di 59 anni affetto da patologia neoplastica, BPCO severa, insufficienza renale cronica e car- diopatia ipertensiva (ASA IV), viene sottoposto ad intervento chirurgico di cistectomia radicale e resezione duodeno-digiu- nale. In fase preoperatoria si posiziona un catetere epidurale (T10) e si somministra un bolo di Levobupivacaina (75 mg) e Fentanest (0,05 mg). Si procede a monitoraggio intraoperato- rio con CardioQ che evidenzia uno stato ipotensivo iniziale con bassa portata e basse resistenze…

research product