L Di Piazza
Trombosi portale mesenterica idiopatica in paziente con doppia mutazione eterozigote del gene C677T e del gene A1298C della MTHFR
Dizziness and vertigo in a department of emergency medicine.
Dizziness is a common and vexing diagnostic problem in emergency departments. The term is rather undefinite and often misused, but can in practice be classified into four categories: fainting, disequilibrium, vertigo and miscellaneous syndromes. Vertigo is the most common category of dizziness. Classification of vertigo can be based either on chronological criteria (acute, recurrent or chronic vertigo) or on topographical criteria (peripheral or central vertigo). Physicians working in emergency departments must be able to rapidly identify patients with potentially serious forms of vertigo, which could cause death or disability, and patients with mild conditions, that can be effectively trea…