A Di Caccamo
Distorsioni nel ricordo della spesa dei turisti: alcune evidenze empiriche
The paper presents some remarks about the distortion of survey data that occurs when tourists are asked to recall the amount of their expenditure for the holiday. The difference between the concepts of perceived expenditure and reminded expenditure is stressed through a review of the relevant literature. An econometric analysis of PRIN 2007 survey data is then presented, with the aim of estimating the personal characteristics of the respondents that are most likely to do errors in remembering their expenditure.
L’analisi delle simbolizzazioni affettive delle Aree Naturali Protette per un turismo responsabile. Il caso studio delle Riserva Naturale Orientata dello Zingaro.
ABSTRACT This paper presents a research on responsible tourism in protected areas, through the case study of Zingaro Nature Reserve (Sicily). The main objectives of this study were to examine the so-called collusive processes elaborated by different stakeholder of natural protected area and to propose strategies and guidelines for intervention in the perspective of sustainable development and responsible use of the local tourist activities, based on the results. The methodology applied was Emotional Analysis of the Text (EAT) that allowed to investigate the emotional representations and the expectations of stakeholders, through the study of co-occurrances of the so-called dense words, using…