Celia Sanchez Lopez
European contents specifications of an on line territorial repertory of services, deliverable 52 of caENTI, project funded under FP6 research program of the European Union
Uses of the territorial intelligence tools within the development partnerships. The European repertory of Territorial intelligence projects
International audience
Specifications for Territorial Intelligence Community Systems
Specifications for a Territorial Information System, deliverable 60 of caENTl
Specifications of the contents of the European Guide of Diagnosis and Evaluation.
This communication evokes the coordination activities that were made within the WP6C group that is in charge of the definition of the CATALYSE toolkit contents. The diagnosis and evaluation guides that have been defined and used by the present CAENTI partners since 1994 were harmonized. The latter wade also made so as to respect the European standards for the concerned data and to facilitate its confrontation with the available indicators at the European level. A series of specifications was defined concerning the functions of this guide (communication instrument/data processing base), its structure (welcome/project/evaluation), the information it includes, and the data processing protocols…